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Brittany's POV:

Santana and I are on our way to Starbucks for the second time today. We have been shopping all day just buying random things. We have 3 bags on each arm and we need a rest. It's 5pm now and we need to get home soon since all the shops shut at 7pm.

"San I need to use the bathroom ill be right back" I kiss her on the cheek and got up, heading towards the toilets. I hum whilst I'm on the toilet, tapping my foot on the ground, once I have peed I get out and wash my hands, using the cinnamon scented soap on the counter top. I make my way back over to Santana and sit down.

"Look Brit, that guy over there, his mouth is huge" I giggled as she seemed so thrilled I looked to where she was secretly pointing and my mouth fell open when I realised I knew that huge mouthed blonde!

"SAM!" He looked up and he smiled wide coming over to our table. Santana looked at me like ' what the hell?' I just whispered ' He is an old friend'

"Brittany is that you?" He asked obviously knowing all too well it was me.

"In the flesh, what are you doing in New York? I haven't seen you since High School" He chuckled and pulled up a chair in between San and I.

"Well would you believe I came to see you?" I raised my eyebrows and he continued.

"Rachel told me you had something new going on in your life and what kind of friend would I be if I didn't come see what it was? I was just coming in for a drink before I went to Rachel's. She was going to take me to yours but I guess that won't be necessary" He said smiling.

"Oh, Well It is great to see you Sam! I have missed you!" I said taking a sip of my coffee before setting in on the table. He pulled me into a big bear hug.

"I missed you too!" He squeezed before releasing me. Santana coughed awkwardly making me remember she was there. Sam looked around.

"Oh, Hello, You a friend of Brittany's?" She looked to me with a eyebrow raised.

"Uh, Sam, This is Santana, My girl friend" I said smiling at Santana who smiled back. Sam's eyes went wide and looked back to Santana.

"Right. Well nice to meet you Santana" He gave her a short smile before turning to be giving me a confused look.

"I guess this is what Rachel was talking about, She did say 'big shocking news'" He lightly laughed grabbing the back of his neck.

"Problem?" Santana asked crossing her arms, Not in an annoyed way.

"What, no its just I didn't realise, Brittany had an attraction for girls is all" He said looking between us both.

"Right, well we are together so get used to it Trouty mouth" She said moving around the table closer to me. I shot her a look that said 'Be nice' He looked a bit offended but didn't question it.

"Uh, Sam, do you wanna call Rach and say you found us. You can come to My apartment with San and I" I said smiling he smiled back and nodded, he stood up and walked away to call Rachel.

"Trouty Mouth???" I asked trying to hide my smile.

"His mouth is huge!" She giggled. But she soon stopped and turned serious.

"Did you and him" I looked at her wide eyes then to Sam. I paused then burst out laughing.

"Omg, No San, He was like my best Guy friend back at High School. Gross" She nodded suddenly happier.

Sam came back and said he was ready to go.

At the Apartment:

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