The Weekend Part 2

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Brittany's POV:

"Brittany!" I heard Leia call from the living room, I got off my bed where I had been sitting reading and strolled into the living room.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Someone's at the door" She shrugged.
"Why didn't you call Santana?" I questioned as she was in the kitchen, she didn't answer, I swung the door open to be met by my mother and father. Oh...Why are they here? I thought Leia was going back tomorrow by herself?

"Mom? Dad? what are you doing here I thou-" I was cut off by my father.
"Yes well change of plans Brittany, your mother wanted to come see you" He said rolling his eyes. My father and I were not as close. I knew he loved Leia more than me. My mother embraced me in a hug.

"Hi, Leia have you had fun?" My dad asked sitting on the sofa.
"Yeah its been great with Brittany and Santana" my dad raised his eyebrows. My mother was sitting opposite them while I was standing, Her expression surprised as she hadn't heard that name before.
"Who is Santana?" My mother asked, right on cue Santana came strolling in, She looked surprised at everyone around the sofa's obviously not hearing them come in.
"Oh uh um, She uh. I. My" My father narrowed his eyes at Santana who was standing there not knowing what to do. My mother was staring at me expectant for an answer. I couldn't say a friend or roommate it would hurt San.

"Spit it out Brittany" My father hissed impatiently. Leia winced at her Fathers tone.
"Girlfriend" I looked to Santana who looked scared, I looked to my mother who didn't look all surprised, then at Leia who was strolling to my bedroom, Finally to my Father who was clenching is fists.
"What do you mean Girl, G, Girl friend..?" He said glaring at me. I opened my mouth to speak when my mother cut in.
"Oh David what do you think she means" She rolled her eyes. My father stood up.
"Brittany, you're not gay, you can't be its disgusting. It's her she's made you like this, get rid of her. Now" I winced just like my sister at his harsh tone. Santana took a side step towards me, My mother stood up.
"What no, She didn't make me li-" My mother cut me off.
"You don't have to explain Brittany it is okay" She smiled at me. My dad took a step toward us. Still quite a distance away.
"This is not okay. Look what she has now taught our daughter, she thinks this is acceptable, Like it is normal" I ignore my fathers arrogance and looked to Santana who looked in raged. I stepped sideways so our shoulders were touching.
"David!" My mother raised her voice.
"No Serena, This, this is not normal. She" He pointed to Santana. " Should be put in a institution for the mentally ill" My mother rolled her eyes at my fathers statement. I grabbed San's hand as she went to lunge at my father.
"Get out" She screamed. I looked to my mother for help.
"David, This is the 21st century get with the program" He was still glaring at Santana.
"Never speak to me like that, You disgust me" He directed this at Santana getting closer to her step by step. " You need to leave so we can get Brittany normal" Santana stepped towards him, she got out of my grip.
"Make me" She said in a whisper.

He grabbed her arm and started dragging her towards the door, Santana kicked him in the leg and he let go, I ran to San and grabbed her, I looked at her arm, my dads grip was so firm it left a mark.
"Freak! Get here!"

I've never seen my Dad so angry, my mother was standing with her hands over her mouth. she was never good with conflict. I saw my dad coming towards Santana with his hand raised in the air he was going to hit her. I stepped in front of Santana pushing her behind me. He slapped me across the face so hard I thought I saw stars.

"Oh, Brittany, are you okay I didn't mean to-" He was cut off by Santana hitting his jaw with her fist. He didn't even fight back he just took it. Santana came over to me asking me if I was okay sitting me down on the sofa. It didn't hurt, or it did I was just so numb I couldn't feel it anymore. I was in shock I had never been hit by my parents before and it just brought back the memories of Dave.

My mother came over to me I was just staring into space not paying attention to anything all I heard her say was-

"Your father just needs time, I'm sorry for his out burst. I love you Brittany and I'm okay with this, I'm going to go now your father is waiting in the Taxi" I nodded absentmindedly. The next voice I heard was Leia's.
"Hi Brittany, Sorry about dad, I love you, I am thankful for you letting me stay" She kissed my cheek and hugged me good bye.

The whole time I hadn't noticed Santana was sitting in front of me on her knees just staring at me. I wonder what she was thinking, ' what a weirdo, just sitting staring into space' another minute or so went by before she spoke.

"Hey, Brit" She said sadly.
"Hi" I replied. She tried to make eye contact with me, but I wasn't letting her moving my eyes in different directions.
"Brit, look at me, what's wrong, I mean besides what just happened, somethings...wro-" I kind of zoned out, what was wrong? I got hit by my dad, I'm sure lots of people get a slap now and then for being rude or disrespectful right? Maybe not? I just hadn't been hit since Dave I guess, I didn't care nor was I scared of him anymore but the faint memory and the vivid same feeling it left on my skin was frightening. I don't like feeling this way. I feel stuck. Stuck in memory, stuck in place, stuck in time. Stuck. I used to get like this all the time back in high school when I didn't understand, I get into a state of carless thinking and saying my mind in a calm but irritated way. I had to get out of it, I zoned back in to what Santana was saying.
"Are you thinking back to when Dave hit you" Well that was an appropriate time to zone in wasn't it.
"Uh, Yeah" I said, She nodded, urging me to talk more.
"Just the memory you know. Nothing I can't handle" She looked at my face, no where in particular just my face in general.
"Any thing you want to talk a bout you've been kind of frozen for an hour. Woah. what?!
"Nope" I stood up and smiled. She gave me a confused look. she stood up facing me, mouth slightly open.
"Well close your mouth, you can help with dinner" I said walking to the kitchen. She came in a few seconds after me.

"Wait, Brit, do you know what just happened" Well yes obviously.
"Well yeah Santana. I was there" I snapped back unintentionally. What the hell was that? She looked shocked but shook her head.
"Brit? Um, You know they know and your da-" I cut her off.
"Yes well, Dad and I have never been close and my sister and mother are cool with it" I shrugged. She took a step toward me.
"He called you and I freaks and disgusting" She stated, was she trying to get me angry?
"Yes I am aware" I said  nonchalantly. I turned around to the fridge to take out left overs to heat them up.
"Are you not ma-" I placed the food on the side loudly.
"No, It's his opinion, are you trying to get me to be angry or upset?" I said my face Stoic, She shook her head.
"No its just I thought you would be-" I interrupted yet again.
"Crying? no, I am not going to be upset over ones opinion of who I should and shouldn't be. I am who I am and I am proud of myself" I needed Rachel. She knows how to deal with me when I'm like this. I used to get 'Stuck' all the time and she knew how to break me free.
"Yeah but, its your fam-" I wasn't really listening when I firmly said.
"I am going to see Rachel" I didn't give her a chance to reply I just grabbed my coat and left.

I am writing the next chapter right now too so don't worry. I just think it should be in a diferent chapter. Sorry if it doesn't make sense I try. its really late and I'm tired, not sleepy, so I am writing. Vote comment your opinions honestly they're appreciated.

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