The battle (pt. 2)

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I wake up Destiny and Aris as I turn and gasp dropping my dagger falling back. The tall dark figure towers over me picking the dagger up and grins. "Matt..." He smiles as He launches the dagger at the cave wall and watches as it gets stuck. "Now that Kiara is killing the betrayers I will deal with the septar." He reaches out for my neck as I grab his arm and twist it standing up. "I won't go without a fight." He lets out a chuckle. "You won't fight if your friends life depended on it." I give him a puzzled look then hear a scream as I turn to see a red and black figure holding Destiny and Aris by their necks over the edge of the cave. "NOOO!!" I break Matt's neck and throw him over the edge and snatch my dagger out the wall charging at the figure. It drops them and dissipates as I make it to the edge. I jump off the edge without thinking and grab the screaming girls putting them on my stomach as I turn around and hit the ground on my back. I gasp for air as I notice I'm not dead and that Destiny and Aris are unharmed. I look down to see Destiny's ring on my hand. "You saved my life.." I grab her kissing her standing up. She holds my hand tight as I look at Aris and we all run into the forest towards the middle. Halfway to the middle we run into Matt again.

~Thoughts~ How do I kill him ... remember what he said about the daggers and he took one with him... It's ... in his pocket

I grin as I let go of Destiny's hand and charge at Matt. He moves fast but not fast enough as I grab his neck and toss him to the ground. He gets up cracking his neck and punches me sending me flying. I grab onto a branch as I break it falling to my feet and stab him with it. I push it in deep as I break his hand tossing him into a tree. The tree falls from his impact . He stands up slowly taking the branch out and fixing his wounds. He charges at me and grabs my neck. I slowly take the dagger out his pocket as he slams me into a tree still holding my neck. "Any last words before I rip you from limb to limb?" I grin gripping the dagger. "Yea.. don't ever cross me again.. bye bye." I stab him in the heart as he screeches loud. He lets my neck go as he falls to his knee's and I watch the blood in his veins turn black as he lets out one last screech then turns to dust as it clears into the air. I watch as the dagger falls on the ground and I pick it up. Destiny and Aris run over to me hugging me. "Come on lets go save Clark and Sybertha." We run off to the middle where we see Clark being strangled and Sybertha laying on the ground unconscious. "KIARA!!" She turns letting Clark go and grins. "Looking for me?" She speeds over staring at me. "Mm... looks like Matt doesn't know how to take care of a job. I grin walking around her to clark. "See .. Matt isn't here anymore.. he took a permanent vacation." She growls charging at my back as I turn grabbing her neck and tossing her. I give clark to Aris as I run over to Sybertha. "Take care of them I got this." I turn, to be knocked off my feet by Kiara. She towers over me and puts her foot on my chest crushing me slowly. I grab her leg and stab it with a dagger and put a bomb inside as I toss her into a tree. Her leg explodes as she screeches and grows another one. I walk over to her and stab her with all my daggers except for one as she screeches in pain. "Aww does it hurt?" She stares at me and grabs my neck with the little bit of strength she has as I stab her in the heart with the dagger I took from Matt. She screeches loud as her blood turns black and she turns into dust also. I turn to see Aris and Destiny reviving Sybertha while Clark is healing. I pull out a bottle I grabbed from the house before we left and I hand it to Aris as she gives it to Sybertha. He instantly opens his eyes sitting up slowly. "Is it over?" I smile nodding my head and he stands up then falls back down screeching. Clark lets out a screech and I stumble back as a white light surrounds them. I stare as a human figure is now in their spots. "Sybertha?.. Clark?.." They look at me and grin. "You broke the curse... thank you." They hug me as I look at Destiny and Aris. "Ready to go?" They nod their heads as Sybertha and Clark lead us out the forest and I tell them they may live with us until the day they die. They refuse the offer but thank me as that's the last day I see them. I can always hear Sybertha's voice though .. he's warning me about something but I have yet to find out. I guess I will deal with it when it comes along.

The end

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