Chapter One

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5th of June
"Admit it. You, my friend, are so into him." Percy said with a smirk.

"Wha…What?" Nico replied with a yawn and looked at the clock on his desk. 5:30 in the morning.

It's too dam early for this, he inwardly grumbled. Nico was not a morning person.

Nico's cousin groaned in frustration.

"Him. You know, Blonde, tan, looks like a freaking sun god? The one at the studio?"

Nico's eyes widened and he ducked his head to hide the blush that had appeared on his cheeks. Gods. It was definitely too early in the morning for this.

Percy's Cheshire cat grin grew wider than humanly possible.

"No answer? Then I'll take it as a-"

"No! I do not…like him! In that way! At all!" Nico yelped.

"Nice try. You've yet to fool me yet, ghost." Percy scoffed.

And he had. Percy knew all his secrets, thanks to one night when Nico got drunk on Mountain Dew,

Yes, drunk on Mountain Dew. Sue him. In his defense, the Stolls had given him the can, so it was probably drugged.

Percy had dubbed it "The Great Mountain Dew Incident", capitals implied, and started giggling uncontrollably every time Nico so much as took a sip of the beverage.

What had happened was that Nico came into the apartment they shared, giggling and hyper, started babbling like a 5 year old and told Percy everything about himself. His music. His sister. Her dancing. The last time he wet himself. Etc.

And, like the idiot he was, his crush on the boy.

"I get the message, fish face." Nico moaned. "Now, could you let me sleep? It's 5:30, and you know that I'm not a morning person. Next time you want girl-talk, go find Piper. Or Annabeth. Hell, find Clarisse while you’re at it."

Percy rolled his eyes and leaped onto his cousin's bed in one bound.

"Nico. It's Sunday."

The smaller boy's eyes widened as he threw his covers, and Percy, off the bed. Ignoring Percy's indignant sound of protest, he got ready for the day with record speed.

"Where are we going today?" Nico yelled, his voice muffled as he pulled his favorite skull t-shirt over his head.

"I'm going with Annabeth to Times Square Station, Leo’s at his dad’s place, and the Stolls are going to Central park. That leaves you and Piper at the studio." Percy yelled back.

The butterfly population in Nico's gut switched from 0 to +1000 in seconds.

He might see him again.

The sentence went on repeat in his head as he grabbed his violin case and rushed out of the apartment and headed down the steps to meet Piper. As they decided on the playlist for the day, Nico had a feeling today was going to be a good day.

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