Chapter 4 ~ Watch

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ϟ ~ ϟ Chapter 4 ϟ ~ ϟ

I was actually shocked that Chase wasn’t there when I exited the school doors. Meaning that, neither Ricky nor Patrick were there. And that leads to me not getting beat up. Which is not good and I shouldn’t be relieved because who knows what I’ll get once I see them tomorrow. But I can’t help myself. I’m so relieved that I could dance till my bones hurt, but that is solely for my dance lessons. Yes, I take those. Ballet to be more exact. But I don’t want to be a professional. I just do it for fun.

“Tick-tock, tick-tock, you're on the clock

Say it fess up, come on, now what

What makes you think that you're so special

Flaunting like I'm not on your game

Don't mean to seem disrespectful


“Hey honey.” My mom cut-off my singing, making me remove my earphones and proceed on preparing my sandwich.

“Oh hey mom.” I greeted her and once I was done, I put all the ingredients back to their place.

“What you doing?” she asked and I took a seat on one of the bar stools, grabbing the sandwich and taking a bite.

“Eating.” I mumbled with my mouth full and she chuckled.

“When’s your performance?” I furrowed my eyebrows together, trying to remember the date. Yes, my dance team thought it would be cool to go dance live in parts of our town.

“I think in a week.” I said scratching my neck unsure of my answer.

“I see.” She replied and I raised my eyebrows.

“You want something?”

“Yes, now that you’re asking.” She fidgeted in her seat and looked everywhere but me. She seems nervous. Why is she nervous?

“Okay.” I said cautiously waiting for what she has to say.

“You see, my company is promoting some ballet shoes right now…”

“Yes, I know.” I can’t see where this is going.

“Uh-huh. And we need someone to ‘test’ them.” She said quoting the word test.

“Test?” I asked confused.


“What do you mean exactly?” I placed my sandwich on the plate seeing that I won’t eat it till this discussion is over.

“Okay.” She took a few deep breaths and continued. “Can you dance a little on the shoes so they can see that they’re good?”

“You want me to promote the shoes?” I asked each word coming out slowly.


“That is so lame.” I said and she scoffed at me annoyed.

“You know what?” she got up from her seat. “It’s fine. You don’t have to do it. I’ll just find someone else. Here I was, thinking my daughter will help me.” She shook her head and began walking towards the living room.

“Wait, mom.” I called after her and she stopped midway turning to face me. I sighed and put a fake smile on my face. “I’ll help you.” I finally tell her and her expression from angry turns quickly to a happy one.

“Thank you honey.”

I nodded my head at her and continued eating my sandwich.

~ ~ ~ ~

“Chris, this isn’t fair.” I scolded my little brother who just kicked my leg to score a goal on the net we have placed on our front yard.

He just gave me an innocent smile and said something in his own language.

I, myself, let out some incoherent words and looked up at the sky when a small raindrop ran down my cheek. Then another, and another, and another.

Soon it started raining cats and dogs and Chris quickly ran in not wanting to get wet.

I stared at him getting in and rolled my eyes. What’s wrong with being soaked? I get it that you may get sick but it is worth it.

So having said that, I started dancing and running around like a small kid laughing from time to time.

My clothes were already soaked and I’m sure I’d catch a cold after this but I don’t mind.

I love rain.

And snow.

And cold.

I just love Autumn and Winter. I love watching the leaves of the trees turn from green, to red and from red to orange and yellow and then fall down. I always play with them. And then comes winter with snow everywhere. Making snowmen with Chris, playing with them, having snow fights…

I just can’t get enough of it.

“Irina come inside right now or no food for you!” My mom yelled from inside the house making me gasp.

Did she just blackmail me with food?

That is just wrong.

And not fair.

I groaned and stopped running around.

I slowly made my way in, not even noticing that someone had stopped walking and was watching me from across the street.

“You do know threatening your kid won’t do you any good right?” I asked my mom once I was inside. She barely spared me a glance and rolled her eyes.

“You’ll live. Now help me make the table.”

It’s moments like this that I feel like I have a normal life.

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