Chapter 1: Everything is How it Used to be

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But nothing is the same.

(Will's POV)

Far away from Y/N, in the tiny town of Reverse Falls, I was also having a nightmare.  I was remembering the last time I had seen Y/N, when Bill and I had realized we were both planning to steal her away and fought over her.  The disappointment on her face... The shock and horror...  "I can't even look at you right now!" she screamed in my head.  Those were the last words she ever said to me...

I woke up shuddering, curled up in a ball the way I normally slept.  For one brief moment, I thought I could walk down the hall and wake up Y/N, and she'd sit with me and hold me until I calmed down, the way she always did when I had a nightmare.  But then it registered that I wasn't in my bed at Y/N's house.  I was lying on a cold stone floor in the Tent of Telepathy, and it hit me anew that I was back in this place of nightmares; the place I thought I'd escaped forever.

And Y/N was gone.

I had already been crying in my sleep, but my tears started fresh as I thought of how Y/N had saved my life.  The Gleefuls had been about to kill me, but she had rescued me and carried me out of the tent.  I remembered waking up on the couch in her apartment, not knowing where I was, half out of my mind with terror and panic.  I had expected cruelty from her since it was all I had ever known, but she had made me a cup of tea... She told me I could stay forever...

Whenever I was scared, Y/N had been there.  She made me feel loved... Like I was worthwhile... I never thought a human like her could even exist... and then I ruined everything.  And now I might never see her again.

No.  I can't believe that.  We'll find her.  We have to.   I uncurled my limbs, forcing myself off the floor into a standing position.  My tiny room was nothing to speak of, nothing but blank canvas walls and a cold stone floor.  I left the room, fortunately finding the hallway empty, and made my way to Bill's room.

He was sitting at his desk, poring over an ancient book in script illegible to humans.  His room was thrice the size of mine, with furniture and decorations.  His bed was messy, but he never slept in it.  He never slept at all, actually, but I needed to.  Like I always say, he's more powerful than me.

He glanced up as I entered, then went back to focusing on his book.  I knew he was working on a way to break Y/N's deal with Tad Strange, but from what I knew of deals (I didn't make them much, for obvious reasons) it was hopeless.

"W-what can I do to help?" I asked.  Without looking up, Bill gestured to a sheaf of old papers stacked on his desk.

"Translate those," he murmured, still engrossed in his book.  I picked up the papers.  Without another chair in the room, I sat on his bed and started writing down symbols in my shaky scrawl.

We sat in silence for about an hour.  When I finished, I put the papers back on his desk and left without a word.  Absorbed in my thoughts, I didn't notice the shadow in front of my door until it was too late.  I yelped in fright as I realized I'd nearly bumped into Dipper.

He stared coldly at me, arms folded, as I shrank back, stammering apologies.  "You're not wearing your uniform," he said in an expressionless voice.

I looked down at myself, realizing too late that I was wearing my blue sweater instead of the tuxedo.  "I'm s-sorry!" I squeaked.  "I-I'll change right away-"

I cut off as Dipper raised his hand, choking me with his magic.  I gasped for breath as he threw me against the wall.  It didn't yield like cloth should and I hit hard, feeling bruises already forming as I collapsed to the ground.  Dipper approached, one hand on his amulet, and I protectively covered my face.  My body went rigid as he shocked me with his magic, forcing electricity through my veins, and I heard myself scream. 

The shock ended and I went limp, panting.  My arms had dropped away from my face, and I felt his boot crunch into my ribs.  I grunted with pain, curling up reflexively, and he kicked me in the face.  I whimpered as he crouched down next to me, grabbing my hair and forcing my head up.

"This is your only warning," he said softly.  "Don't let me catch you out of uniform again."

I nodded as much as I could, gasping an agreement despite my broken ribs, and he let me drop to the ground.

"You're lucky it was me who caught you and not Mabel," he sneered.  "She would have been much less gentle on you."  He turned to walk away, then paused.  "We have a show tonight," he added.  "Make sure the lighting is fixed and the props are in order," he called over his shoulder as he walked away.

I curled up in a ball in the hallway, nose bleeding, hugging my broken ribs as I started crying again.  I thought they were gone forever... I thought I was safe...

My life had returned to the living hell it once was.  And yet, when I'm asleep, my nightmares mainly feature losing Y/N.  The pain of missing her is worse than any pain inflicted on me by Dipper and Mabel.

This is all my fault... I'm sorry... Y/N...

(A/N: Darth Dipper anyone? ;)

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