Chapter 9: Strange Soon will be the Norm

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Beware the calm more than the storm.

(Bill's POV)

I kept my grip on Will as the earthquake continued to intensify. The flagstones underneath us cracked, breaking the circle of runes and letting Strange free. He chuckled, snapping his fingers and vanishing on the spot with Y/N.

The shaking faded, only to be replaced with a sustained crashing noise from above, louder than thunder. This was starting to feel uncomfortably familiar.

"Will, we have to get outside and see what's going on," I said urgently. His only response was a frightened whimper.

"Will, come on! Y/N needs our help!" I said louder, shaking him to get his attention.

He shook his head. "No... I'm scared..."

Still holding his arm firmly, I dragged him out of the room and down the hall. "Come on, Blue. I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to you, remember?  Just stick close to me and we'll figure this out."

It can't be what I think it is, I told myself.  He wouldn't.  Among other things, it would be tacky. And irresponsible.  And utterly unthinkable.  And just plain rude.

I made it to the main room, heading for the exit, then stopped in my tracks.  Tad Strange hadn't gone far.  He was standing on the stage, black tuxedo once again replacing "boring business casual." Mabel was standing in front of him, hand outstretched to shake.  Y/N was nowhere to be seen. 

"Mabel, what's going on here?" I shouted, releasing Will's arm and stepping in front of him protectively.  She half glanced at me, then grabbed Strange's hand.  White fire immediately flared around them, sealing whatever deal they had just made.  Strange winked at me, then disappeared.

"Mabel, what did you just do?" I demanded.

"Why, I'm just looking out for my family," she said, mock offended.  "That demon guy's about to wreak some serious havoc on the town, but he agreed to spare the tent and give us a place of power in his new world order!" she giggled, eyes alight with the idea of so much destruction.

"In exchange for what?" I growled.

"Well, he wanted you, but our contract doesn't let me have that level of control over you.  So I gave him Will instead."

"What?" I whirled, reaching for Will, but he had vanished.  Mabel and I were alone in the room.

Mabel was full-on laughing now.  "Win-win, right?  I get to be a princess in the new world order, and I don't have to deal with that loathsome wretch anymore!  This is too perfect!"

I felt my eye turn red.  My contract forbade me from using magic against her, but that didn't stop me from hauling off and punching her smug face as hard as I could.  She collapsed, out cold in an instant.

Should have done that years ago, I thought to myself, stepping over her and stalking to the exit.  I had the sinking feeling that I knew what I'd see outside.

The X-shaped rift in the sky.  The howling wind that promised unimaginable nightmares.  The black pyramid that blocked out the sun.

"Plagiarist!" I shouted at the sky.  "This was my apocalypse!  You can't just take all my ideas!"  I looked closer at the pyramid, hovering below the rift.  "Hey!  That's my Fearamid!  You're not even a triangle!  That doesn't even make any sense!"

Of course, Tad Strange knew all the details of the Weirdmaggedon I had unleashed upon my own dimension.  Apparently lacking any sort of originality, he had opted to copy my greatest achievement in this world.  Or my biggest mistake... I thought with a wince.  Well, it's a little too late to regret that now.  Even I can't bring back the dead.

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