Chapter 8: Tug-of-War

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Or maybe Hangman.

(Will's POV)

I watched from across the street as Bill, possessing Dipper's body, talked Y/N into opening the door and promptly knocked her out.

"Take her to the tent," he instructed, carrying her across the street and dumping her into my arms.  "I'll catch up as soon as I've ditched the meat sack."

"You didn't have to punch her!" I protested, but he was already leaving.

I sighed and teleported with Y/N into the room we'd already prepared.  It was an out-of-the-way storage room, not the one with the basement's trapdoor.  There was a circle of runes drawn on the floor and I put her down in it gently, heart aching at being so close to her again.  I felt a phantom sting on my face where she had slapped me.

It wasn't her fault, I told myself, trying to believe it.  Yet that single slap had hurt worse than Mabel stabbing my eye out, among all the other things she had done to me yesterday.

I shook my head, trying not to dwell on it.  Still, I backed towards the door, suddenly not wanting to be in Y/N's presence.  Maybe she'll want some water when she wakes up, I told myself, ducking out of the room.

I had forgotten the little detail that I was still allegedly locked up in the dungeon.  I was reminded of it when I ran into Mabel in the hallway on my way back from the kitchen.  She stopped dead, looking at me in shock.

"What are you doing up here?" she snapped.  "Did you forget you're forbidden to heal yourself?  And what are you wearing?"

"I- I-"  I was frightened, certainly, but I surprised myself to discover that the primary emotion I felt was irritation.  I don't have time for this.  "None of your business," I said, trying to sound confident.

She stared at me, mouth open but not speaking, for a stunned moment.  I used the opportunity to push past her and continue on my way.  I had barely taken two steps when my body seized up, Mabel's magic holding me in place.

My sudden surge of confidence deserted me at once when Mabel rounded me, getting uncomfortably close to my face.  I suddenly regretted every life choice I had ever made.  If her magic wasn't still holding me frozen, my knees would have given out as she smiled venomously at me.

"Oh, Will, dear, you're going to regret this," she whispered into my ear.  I bit my lip to keep from whimpering.  "You're lucky I'm in a hurry, but you're not going to be so defiant when I'm through with you later..." with every word, she got closer and closer until her lips were practically pressed against my ear.

"I thought we'd beaten that disobedient streak out of you years ago," she continued, murmuring so quietly I could hardly hear.  I was shaking now with the effort of keeping silent.  "I can see we'll have to learn that lesson again..."

She giggled, her breath hot against my ear, and took off down the hall.  The glass of water slipped out of my hand and shattered against the floor.  Bill had arrived by the time I staggered into the storage room, shuddering violently.

"Where have you been?  She's almost-" Bill did a double take when he saw my horrified face, white as a sheet.  "What's wrong?"

"Muh-Mabel..." I gasped, tears finally bursting from my eye.  Bill crossed the room in an instant, grabbing my arms to keep me upright as my legs gave out. 

"Will, now's not the time for a panic attack!" he said urgently, but it was no use.  My head was filled with vivid memories of what had happened during those first horrible months... they made yesterday's torture look like a tea party.  My vision faded and I couldn't catch my breath, hyperventilating frantically.  I wanted to curl up in a protective ball, but Bill was still holding me upright.

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