Chapter 10: What Happened to Mabel

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(A short break from our usual POV pattern to get a glimpse into the actions of everyone's least favorite psychopath.)

Mabel opened her eyes and stood up. Vaguely concussed, she had no recollection of what had happened after making a deal with Tad Strange. Thinking of which...

"Hey bro-bro!" she yelled, lurching down the hall dizzily. "Guess what just happened?"

Dipper appeared in the hallway, catching her arm as she swayed in place. "Does it have anything to do with the earthquake just now? Also, why do you have a black eye?"

She thought for a moment. "...No idea. Anyway, it's the apocalypse!" She beamed at him. He stared back in total confusion.

"...It's the what?" he said flatly.

"Yeah, there was this demon dude, and he made a deal with me that we could be in charge after he takes over the world!"

He stared at her for a long moment. "...Okay."

"I have to go tell everyone!" she giggled, moving past Dipper and skipping down the hall, slightly off-kilter.  Dipper shrugged and got on with his day.

Searching for her uncles, Mabel made her way to the basement.  She found Ford in his laboratory, vivisecting a gnome.

"Guess what, Grunkle Ford!  It's the apocalypse!" she exclaimed, talking loudly over the squeals of his victim.

"That's great, sweetie.  Just put it over there," Ford mumbled without looking up from his grisly work.

Mabel pouted. "You're no fun.  Where's Grunkle Stan?"

"Gift Shop..."

Mabel left the room without another word.  Her head was starting to hurt as she made her way back to the central area of the tent.

"Grunkle Stan!" she hollered, wincing as her own volume bothered her headache.

He poked his head out from the gift shop adjoining the stage area. "What is it, pumpkin?"

"It's the apocalypse! We're gonna be in charge in the new world order!" she cried joyfully.

"Hot Belgian waffles!  Think of all the money I could make from that!" he said, a greedy gleam appearing in his eyes.

"Yeah, and?" Mabel scoffed impatiently. "Rule the world?  Demon kingdom?  Princess Mabel?"

"Never mind all that, I have to reconfigure the gift shop's inventory to hold a thousand times the stock!" He disappeared back into the shop, cackling with greed.  Mabel was left standing alone.


She went in search of Dipper again, but he was nowhere to be found.  Probably in his room doing some nerd thing.

The tent was basically empty.  I'm about to rule the world and there's no one around to celebrate!  Who can I terrorize now?

Guess I'll take my party on the road.  Mabel left the tent and headed for the town, eager to discover the new world she would rule.  She took note of the rift and Fearamid without much concern.

"Hey!" she yelled at the first passerby she encountered.  He turned to her with a politely interested look on his face.

"Hello there, young lady," he said pleasantly. "Can I help you?"

"Don't take that tone with me," she snapped, hand on her hip. "Is that any way to address your new queen?"

He seemed mildly surprised but not very perturbed. "Is something the matter?  If you'd like, we can go get some breadsticks together.  Or perhaps some French bread?" He smiled at her vacantly.

"What?  No!  I want you to bow down to me, like the entire world soon will!"  She activated her amulet, causing rocks and litter to levitate around them.  Normally this would scare the pants off anyone, but the man just watched with the same detached politeness.

"That's quite the trick, young lady.  Well done!"  He smiled at her blandly.

"Ugh!  You don't get it!" she snapped, pushing past him and heading back towards the tent.

"This is the worst!" She yelled to no one.  "I'm going to be queen, and no one even cares!  Why did I even bother?!"

She stormed back into the tent, making her way to her dressing room and proceeding to wreck the place.  She shattered every bottle of makeup and perfume on her vanity as well as the mirror, exploded all the lights, and threw the costumes and props around, screeching like a banshee the entire time.

Finally she stopped, breathing heavily, and righted the chair with magic to sit.

What kind of apocalypse is this?  Mabel pouted.  No one seems to care that it's the end of the world!  Not even my own family!  I can't even hang out with Dipper!  She crossed her arms, grimacing.  And I gave away my favorite toy.  I hadn't even gotten bored of breaking him!  She sighed, remembering how much fun it had been to watch the little blue demon scream and writhe, begging in tears for mercy that would never be forthcoming. 

Now that she thought of it, she hadn't seen Bill around either.  Where did that obnoxious yellow creep get off to?  Why doesn't anyone want to spend time with ME?  I'm charming!  I'm fabulous!  I'm MABEL GLEEFUL, for crying out loud!  Everyone should be flocking to me, begging for my attention!

She tossed her hair, imagining the adoring crowds she felt she so richly deserved.  I won't be ignored for long.  The world is changing, and I'll be on top.  Then they'll all adore me.  They'll have no choice!

She forced a laugh, then sighed heavily, dropping back into her sulk.  Her headache had gotten nearly unbearable.

"This is the worst," she muttered again quietly.

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