Chapter 17: Have Fun Storming the Castle

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Think it'll work?

It would take a miracle.

(Will's POV)

I stiffened reflexively as I woke up, cautiously gauging my surroundings before daring to open my eyes.  I didn't appear to be restrained, which was usually a good sign, and I wasn't currently in any sort of debilitating pain.  I was also warm and somewhat comfortable.

Tentatively opening my eyes, it all came rushing back to me.  I suddenly remembered where I was and what had happened.  I was still leaning against Bill; we were both still sitting at the edge of the forest where the bubble had once been.  I remembered it had been late afternoon when I'd fallen asleep, but it was morning now.  I knew Bill didn't usually sleep, but it seemed unlikely that he'd sat there all night just so I could rest.

I sat up and stretched.  Bill glanced at me.

"All right?" he asked.  I wasn't quite sure how to answer.  Obviously I wasn't all right, but there was nothing to be done about that right now.  Safety as a concept had ceased to exist for me the moment Y/N had disappeared.

Bill was waiting for an answer, so I mumbled a vague "yeah."

He looked at me a bit too knowingly, but instead of pressing the issue, he turned to look up at the Fearamid.  I followed his gaze, the floating black monolith an intimidating silhouette in the early-morning sunshine.

"Do you think we can do it?" I asked quietly.

Bill scoffed. "Of course we can.  I'd have done it already if I wasn't so busy repeatedly rescuing you."

"I'm s-sorry," I mumbled. 

He waved it off.  "I guess it's my job.  But if you think I'm not going to make about a thousand damsel-in-distress jokes once this is over, you're going to be sorely disappointed."  He grinned mischievously. 

I sighed.  Guess I walked into that one.  But I still winced at the reminder of what had just happened.

"I d-don't understand," I whispered to myself, tucking my chin into my knees.


"What does Strange have against m-me?"

"Nothing," Bill said forcefully.  I looked up, surprised at his sudden vehemence.  "It wasn't about you.  He took you just to get to me."

"He did?  Th-that's..."

"Unforgivable," Bill finished.  His eye was still fixed on the Fearamid.  "But don't you worry.  Murdering Strange in an extremely painful fashion is at the top of my to-do list."

Normally the idea of violence would turn my stomach, but at the moment I'd have liked to tear a few choice appendages off of Strange myself.

"What's the plan?" I asked him.

"We split up."

"Seriously?" I asked incredulously.

"No, listen.  I've had a few hours to think about this, and I've come up with a plan I think might work.  Strange is stretched thin, can't you sense it?  He's using up all his magic to keep control of the town.  If I attack the Fearamid and force him to defend himself, it'll weaken him further and give us a chance to kill him.  Meanwhile, you can find Y/N and get her out of danger."

I had to admit, it sounded like a solid plan.  Except, you know, the high probability that it would fail and we would all die.

"Wipe that skepticism off your face," Bill snapped.

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