Chapter 3: I'll Find You

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But you're lost to me.


You were having a weird dream.

This in itself wasn't unusual. You'd been having weird dreams a lot lately. Dreams of drowning, of freezing, of burning. You'd dreamed of murdering and of being murdered.

But this dream was different. This was a happy dream.

You were dancing in a grand ballroom, whirling around the dance floor with graceful abandon. You wore a lavender ball gown and for once you didn't hate the trappings that came with the last name Northwest.

"Y/N," your partner said as you danced. You realized he had already said your name several times. "Can you hear me?"

You noticed for the first time that your dance partner was wearing a yellow tuxedo and top hat, his visible eye fixed on your face.

"Can I help you?" you asked politely.

He sighed in relief. "About time. I was getting worried that our combined powers wouldn't be enough to get through Strange's barriers."

"Your who? The what?"

He shook his head. "Never you mind. We don't have much time." He tightened his hand around yours and dipped you gracefully. "It's a relief to see you, Y/N. Someday I want to dance with you like this in real life."

Despite the alleged time constraint, he was silent for a long moment, staring at your face like he couldn't get enough.

"I miss you. And you'll never hear me say it in the real world, but I need you. Will needs you too, he sends his regards. You need to come home."

"Home where?" you had no idea what this yellow nut was going on about.

"Reverse Falls, Oregon. You don't remember it, but you lived there for a year with us."

"I what?"  You were increasingly perplexed by this brightly colored basket case.

He shook his head.  "There's no time for questions now.  Suffice it to say that your memories were stolen from you."

"They what?  By who?"

"I said there's no time for questions!  I'm just here to tell you to come home.  You changed my life, Y/N. I thought I was a lost cause, too far gone for anyone to help, but you didn't give up on me. And now I'm not giving up on you. I'll get you home, Y/N. I promise." He seemed overly emotional for such a happy dream.

"I... have no idea what you're talking about." 

"I'll explain everything when you get here.  Please, just come to Reverse Falls quickly.  I don't know-" he cut off, his entire body fuzzing with static.  When your dream came back into focus, you weren't dancing with the yellow lunatic anymore.  A different man in a black tuxedo was holding your hand instead, continuing the dance without a pause.

"Well, that was intriguing," he commented, like you were discussing the weather.

"Who are you?" you asked.  "What kind of wacky dream is this?"

"Two very different questions, yet they share the same answer," he replied.  "I must admit, Bill and I disagree on many things, but I'm beginning to think you might be better off coming back home after all.  It's becoming rather dull watching you from a distance."

"Wait, you're doing what?  Who are you?  And who's Bill?  The crazy banana man?" you tried to pull away, but found yourself incapable of breaking away from the dance.  The man twirled you around effortlessly, smiling like this was nothing but lighthearted fun.

"I'll explain everything once you get here," he promised gently, echoing Bill's words.  "As it is, you're beginning to wake up now.  I'll leave a little incentive in case you happen to forget this dream."  As he spoke, your surroundings dimmed.  A moment later, you jerked awake.

What was that?  You asked yourself, completely nonplussed.  You checked your clock and got out of bed, still perplexed.  What on Earth was that weird dream?  I know I've been having a lot of bizarre dreams lately, but this one takes the cake...

You made your way down the grand staircase, aiming for the kitchen.  You found yourself with a sudden and inexplicable craving for bread.  Your housekeeper found you as you ate.

"Y/N, I found a package on the doorstep," she said, putting a box on the table.  "It doesn't have a return address, but your name is on it."

You abandoned your bread, tearing the box open with interest.  "Cool!  I love getting mysterious mail!"

Throwing the packing peanuts every which way, you pulled a postcard out of the box.  The picture was a bland forest scene advertising "Reverse Falls, Oregon."  You felt your blood freeze.  How... What?  You flipped it over.  In lieu of any words, there was a simple drawing of a triangle in a top hat.  You stared at it for a second, both apprehensive and intrigued.

You turned back to the box.  It was too big to hold just the card.  You reached through the peanuts, pulling out a grappling hook of all things.  You and your housekeeper stared at it for a moment.

"Maybe it's a prank?" she suggested.  You mulled it over, not convinced.   Finally you made up your mind.

"Carla," you said decisively, "I'm going to take a trip."

Scarcely an hour later, with your father's perfunctory permission, you hugged your sister goodbye and hopped on a bus with your suitcase.  You held the postcard in your hand, knowing you'd never been to the destination advertised on it yet unable to shake the haunting feeling of déjà vu.  

Packing a suitcase... hopping on a bus... Why does it feel like I've done this before?

You stared out the window as the scenery became forested, wondering why you were so uneasy.  Wait, was that a gnome?

As you passed the sign saying "Welcome to Reverse Falls!", you noticed the crossed-out eye painted on it.  Seriously, why does this all feel so...

"Familiar?" a voice suggested.  You shrieked and spun in your seat to find the sharply-dressed man from your dream sitting right next to you.

"What the... you're real?  But you were in my dream!" your voice was squeaky.

He smiled at you.  "That's right, Y/N.  I've been in your dreams quite a bit, but you don't remember."

"But... How is this possible?" you asked weakly.

He chuckled, completely at ease.  "I know you're confused, dear.  Here, this should help."  He raised his hand, placing one finger gently on your forehead.  You started to object, then gasped at the sudden rush of images and sensations.

"What... what was that?" you breathed, head spinning.  The stranger gripped your arm to steady you.

Wait... is he a stranger?  You studied his face for a long moment.


(A/N:  I once again refer you to book 1 for context for their conversation.  If you haven't read it, go read book 1 or this won't make any sense!

Is this too good to be true, or are there strings attached? -_- Also, is the whole thing too sudden?  I don't know, I've been at this for two days and this is apparently the best you're getting out of me for now.  I might have to go to the hospital this weekend, but I'll do my best to keep up with this.)

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