Chapter 20: Everything Changes

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But everything stays.
Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays.

Dust fell from the sky.  When the Fearamid collapsed, it had crumbled into so many pieces that an ash-like dust was still drifting through the air.

At the very edge of the rift torn in the sky, two colorful triangles faced off against one black-clad demon.

Tad Strange laughed hollowly.  "What exactly do you twits think you're doing?  Do you honestly still expect to be able to kill me?"

"No," Will admitted.  "But we can still fix this."  His eye flicked downward, towards Y/N's far-away corpse.  "We can still fix everything."

"Everything?  You mean, everything that you screwed up in the first place?" Strange cackled.

"We regret that," Bill growled.  "But not as much as you're about to."

Strange loosed an energy bolt at each of them, but he was still weakened from his last devastating attack, and it didn't do the damage it would have done to their physical bodies.  Triangles were a bit more resilient than humans.

Before Strange could attack again, Bill and Will launched a simultaneous counterattack that drove Strange backwards into the rift.  He righted himself immediately, beginning to advance back through, but they blasted him again and he fell out of sight behind the hole in the sky.

Bill and Will reached for their last reserves of magic, and then they reached deeper.  Drawing on their very demonic essences, they cast a massively powerful spell that forced the rift to shut before Strange could come back through.  With their last shreds of life force, they sealed the sky closed together.

They glanced at each other.  If they'd had mouths, they would have been smiling.  With a blinding flash of light, the rift and the two triangles vanished from the sky.  There was no sign that anything had ever been there except the dust still drifting through the air.


A shock wave blew through the town.  The citizens, who had been lined up outside every bakery and café, suddenly looked around in confusion.  Most of them muttered to each other along the lines of "what are we doing here?"

There was several minutes of milling about awkwardly, but eventually everyone brushed it off, attributing it to the weirdness that was unavoidable in a town like this.  They all went back to their daily routines and forgot the incident quickly.

Many people recalled that the Gleeful twins had suddenly stopped their shows for almost a year and then started them again with no explanation, but they shrugged that off as well.

A few people abruptly remembered a girl who had lived in town and suddenly disappeared, and they wondered why they had forgotten her.


Mabel was practicing her magic by levitating throwing knives and embedding them into a picture of Will hanging on the wall.  Mid-throw, her amulet faded and the knife fell to the floor.

"What the hell?!" she shrieked, trying to activate her magic to no avail.  She ripped the amulet off her head, examining it for damage, but it was simply powerless.

She stormed into the hallway of the tent.  "DIPPER!" she screamed.  He was at her side in an instant, holding his own amulet with dismay.

"What happened?" she demanded.  He only shook his head.

Mabel's eyes filled with tears.  "What are we going to do?" she asked, quieter.

Dipper put his arms around her and she buried her head in his chest.  "I don't know," he admitted.  "But whatever it is, we'll do it together."

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