Wake Up Call.

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Josh had slept in once again. Nothing new in his daily routine of life. Was this even life?


He was just living. Getting by. Waking up and wishing he hasn't day by day till he grew so worn out he thought maybe just maybe the pain would finally go away.

His phone blared louded beside him on his nightstand and he scooped it up in his palm reading the time.

12:47 am flashed in white numbers on the screen along with a caller ID name that he recognized as his best friend back before his life went to shit.


He was thundered at by a group of voices he recognized one by one. All shouting 'happy birthday' or 'be clean by six' or 'I'll be over by 6'. And then the line went dead and he groaned as he got up. His back was sore from barely moving in days and his hair was a greasy mess from not showering. He needed to get it cut, it was getting longer. He could feel it on his cheeks hanging over his face a bit in dark clumps.

Tyler showered and cleaned his body slowly and carefully as he recalled back when he used to be obsessed with hygiene. Back when he had a reason to care. People to keep him motivated. He finished not long over an hour and got out wearing nothing. He dripped all the way to the towel closet and dried himself off before heading to his room. 

He searched through his clothing till he found jeans and a plain white t shirt. He slipped them both on along with some black Calvin Klein boxers and plain socks. For the first time in weeks he felt clean. He glanced in the mirror and was flooded BT harsh emotions nipping at his resilience to keep going. He noted his hip bones slightly showing and his jaw showing so clearly, all the weight he'd lost in the passed year didn't make him feel any better about himself.

For a minute he thought he was going to get choked up. But he swallowed the meaningless emotions and went straight to his couch, flopping down on it and pulling a blanket over himself letting his wet hair drip all over his face. He picked up the TV remote and turned on pretty little liers. This had became his favourite TV show in the passed few weeks whenever he'd leave his room. It took his mind of things with all the pointless drama.

Hours flew by and before he knew it there was a knock at the door and laughing from behind it. He paused his show and got up groggily dragging his feet to the door. He swung it open and was greeted by his shouting friends wishing him a happy birthday all in union. But there was one face he didn't recognize.

"Hey..who's he?" Tyler asked letting everyone in one by one. Even the purple haired stranger with bags under his eyes.

His friends all snickered and he knew this had to be some bad joke just by the devious looks on their faces. Jeez he had to have known they'd do something dumb. But who could this be.


He pointed at the boy.

"-is part of your present. He's a prostitute and he's all yours for the entire night. And you cant back out because we already paid him. So enjoy." He snickered more as Tyler smacked his palm into his face groaning.

This was the weirdest and most fucked up thing they'd ever done by far. This guy didn't look much older than Tyler himself who was just turning 16. Why on earth would they think this was a good idea.

"U-uh...hi.. Sorry to impose. I'm josh."

The man with the purple hair held out his hand and tilted his head giving a sort of embarrassed but quirky smile. Tyler stared at him for a second not sure what to say. He barely spoke to his own friends. Let alone strangers. But he didn't want to be rude to someone so polite. Even a prostitute.

"I'm Tyler. Nice to meet you josh. You can just come sit down with us. Hang out. "

"Oh...really? Alright nice."

This was the weirdest birthday ever. But he slowly went to the couch and sat down, slowly accompanied by the prostitute who sat beside him.

Everyone ate cake and Tyler's friends told jokes and made fun of the annoyed looks Tyler would give them every so often. By midnight they were all leaving and the purple haired boy hadn't spoken a word. As everyone headed out the door Tyler watched josh get up to leave.

"Hey, josh right? What time do I have you till?" He asked acknowledging him for a moments as his friends piled out and left.

"Uh..till morning. If you want that is. You seem a bit...uncomfortable with the idea. So I can leave too if you'd rath-"

Tyler cut him off by closing his front door.

"Nah. Why don't you spend the night? Do you like pretty little liers?" 

So yep. Here's my first paragraph to my joshler fanfic. Enjoy your stay in trashville. :P. 

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