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"Shit...." was the last thing Tyler whispered before Joshs fist hit his jaw knocking him on his ass. 

Just liked that. They'd been talking just fine and then Tyler snapped. He couldn't even really feel mad at Josh for hitting back. He deserved it honestly. He brought a hand up to his jaw just as Josh had crouched down and cupped his face to take a look.

"Shoot..I didn't think you'd..." Josh stopped speaking and Tyler pushed his hands away.

"Don't worry about it. I'm alright. Help me up." Tyler held a hand out and Josh pulled him to his feet staring intently at his jaw and the slight line of blood coming from the corner of Tyler's mouth.

"I didn't mean to do that- it's just a first response kind of thing, I swear I didn't mean to hurt you at all-" Tyler gave Josh a glare and he shut up still looking concerned.

The hand print from Tyler had long faded from Joshs cheek by the time they arrived back at the apartment. Tyler opened the door and they both walked in. But before Tyler could move further into his home than the doormat, Josh had scooped him up under his stomach and carried him to the bathroom as Tyler kicked his feet and said every swear word he could come up with. When Josh sat him down he was about to smack him again but Josh grabbed his hand and interlaced their fingers holding it against the wall.

"Knock it off. I'm gonna clean up your lips and make sure you're alright. Don't be such a brat about it." He said flatly sounding more in control than ever.

Tyler glared unsure of what to say. So he shut up and opened his mouth,  letting Josh clean the blood from his chin and put disinfectant on his lips and cheek so they didn't bruise too bad. They whole time Josh kept their fingers knitted together till he was done. Tyler watched Joshs face the whole time.  Taking in his lips, nose, collar bones...even his scent.

"Hey Josh..." Tyler mumbled slowly using his free hand to push some purple hair away from Joshs eyes.

"Yes Tyler? " He said raising an eyebrow and pushing his face against Tyler's hand.

Tyler gave Josh a long hard look and then tugged him down holding onto the back of his neck. He could feel Joshs breath on his cheek and then his neck as he pulled him down for a brief awkward hug.

"Thank you." He mumbled.

Josh let out an almost surprised chuckled and picked Tyler up off the counter. He headed out of the bathroom towards the bedroom and sat him down on the messy bed. It was obvious they were both tired. Josh stretched before throwing off his shirt and yawning.

"No problem, ty."
This fanfic is actually fun bc idek what's gonna happen. 😂

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