Stormy Nights.

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Josh glanced at Tyler, tilting his head in confusion.

"Pretty what?" He asked obviously not knowing the show which made Tyler a little annoyed.

"Fine whatever... Let's go to the cafe down the road then. Ive been out of coffee for days." He mumbled heading off to his room to get sweaters for them both.

Tyler returned with two hoodies, one slightly bigger than the other. He gave the larger one to Tyler and slipped into the smaller one with a groan in some kind of pain. His hips got sore easily when he moved around from never exercising anymore. Josh looked at Tyler worriedly.

"Are you alright..? Are you sure you want to go to a cafe at this time?" He asked sounding concerned.

Tyler glared at the purple haired fellow he still wasn't fond with really. It pissed him off a litter that he'd ask such a dumb question. He'd became so bitter since his family passed. Meanwhile josh just wanted to make the most of the little bit of life he had.

"I'm fine. Dont ask such retarded questions. Why the heck would a whore care anyways?" He snapped a little, talking to josh like he was less of a person for what he did to get by.

Josh was taken aback by what Tyler said. He froze for a second, already feeling awkward in a strangers home. A part of him wanted to defend himself. But Tyler just looked so stressed. Josh kind of felt bad for the scrawny guy. In a weird way that is. He pitied him for being able to get so angry.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to offend you. We should get going now. Its passed midnight." Josh mumbled slipping into the sweater that just fit him.

"I dont care what time it is. If I wanted to know I'd check my phone. Keep your meaningless thoughts to yourself. I only have to deal with you till morning." Tyler muttered slipping his shoes on beside josh.

Josh got his shoes on and walked out of the apartment with Tyler. He made sure to follow slightly behind so he wouldn't tick him off anymore. Besides, these streets were dangerous at night and he wanted to keep his eyes peeled to make sure they didn't get jumped.

Tyler glanced back at josh a few times but didn't speak. He was checking him out in a way, not sexually. He just wanted to see what he looked like. He hasn't gotten a good look at him yet. So far he seemed to have a nice body, very toned, and a somewhat attractive face. He would never go for a prostitute. Tyler thought to himself, I would never sink that low. That's gross.

"Is this the cafe you were talking about?" Josh asked interrupting Tyler's thoughts as he opened the door for him. "Gentlemen first."

Tyler walked in feeling an odd sense of comfort when he heard josh's ridiculous statement. 'Gentlemen'. Heh, that's funny. What about him was even gentlemen like? Nothing.

"What would you like? I'll order and you can go sit at a table and wait. I dont want to be seen standing with you in case one of your customers sees or something." Tyler said stabbing at josh again.

"I'm okay. I'll just go sit in the back corner. Thank you though." He took a step back and headed for the table, sitting down with a sting in his chest.

That hurt. But it wasn't like he wasn't used to it. No one wanted to be caught with a prostitute. He watched Tyler from across the room as he ordered. Tyler wasn't a bad looking guy. Kind of cute actually aside from his attitude. He was quite thin, but maybe he just had small bones. It was hard to tell with the baggy clothes he had on. When Tyler began to approach the table josh looked away.

"Here, I got you a coffee and some fries anyways. You didn't eat any cake earlier so you should at least get something in your stomach." Tyler set a cup down and a box of fries in front of josh before sipping at his cup of coffee.

"O-oh..thank you.. Very much that's sweet of you. Here I can pa-" he went to reach in his pocket for change to pay him back but Tyler glared.

"That isn't nessesary. And dont say thank you, just eat you dumbass." He mumbled looking out the window tiredly.

Josh slowly began to eat wondering why Tyler even asked him to stay if he hated people like him so much. Maybe he didn't have anyone else to keep him company? No matter what josh was uncomfortable. He kind of wished he'd left when he had the chance.

"Do you have a home? Where do you live... Josh?" Tyler asked aimlessly speaking to him like he didn't really care.

"I uh...I live just a few blocks down the street and towards the hostal." Josh mumbled putting his head down as he ate slowly.

Tyler nodded and sipped more at his coffee. That area was mostly run down buildings and cheap shitty homes. Run down and broken places people who didn't have much money lived. He gulped his coffee down and watched out the window some more.

"Finish up your food while I use the bathroom. We should head back after wards. Like you mentioned earlier...its getting late. " Tyler briskly got to his feet and walked towards the men's bathroom. Josh nodded and ate as much as he could just to be polite. He downed his coffee and tossed out the garbage just as Tyler was walking out towards him. He greeted Tyler with a small wave and Tyler walked right by him.

"Ah fuck... Its raining." Tyler groaned seeing the droplets of water coming down from the dark night sky.

Josh walked out with him and sighed as he was instantly soaked from his head to his toes. This sucked. He glanced at Tyler noticing he was shivering. He felt bad. They had to have been around the same age. This sucked. He briskly threw an arm around Tyler and got a cold glare.

"What are you doing...." He grunted and josh pulled him closer, holding him and slightly rubbing his side as they quickly made their way back to the apartment. Tyler continued to shiver and glare.

But he didn't pull away.
I wrote this chapter twice and wattpad closed on me both times earlier FML. But I finally got it to stay intact long enough to get this done. Yay chapter two.

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