Someone Special.

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Tyler blushed and laughed as Josh smiled beside him feeling a little cheesy. But whatever, it was cute. He couldn't help but be a cheesy basted to Tyler. 

"Let's go back to your place then..."

Tyler hopped up and they headed out to Tyler's apartment. On the way there Josh called the pizza place and ordered knowing they'd take a while. When they got back they picked a movie on Tyler's android box and then changed into pygamas before sitting on either side of the couch with each other. 

"So...if you had the chance to have a normal job...would you take it?" Tyler asked.

"Definitely. In a heart beat. Anything is better than what I'm doing. " Josh responded quickly and Tyler nodded a little for the first time feeling bad for Josh.

"What kind of things do you like to do?" Tyler asked leaning on his palm.

"Me...I uh...I like music. Especially playing the drums. I like to read... I don't do much..." Josh said and chuckled embarrassed as he spoke. "What about you Tyler? "

"I like music...I like to sing.... I like sleeping...and movies..and yeah..." Tyler laughed slightly as he looked at Josh. 

There was a knock at the door and josh went and paid for their pizza. He came back and set it down on the living room table before sitting back beside Tyler.  He briefly glanced at him and slightly smiled as he noticed he was still wearing his sweater that he put on him at the cafe. He had taken it off. They both ate as Josh turned on the movie. It was a gore/horror film. One of the old ones with lots of blood and curling screams from dumb girls. Josh seemed fine watching it, but Tyler was white as a ghost beside him.

"Ty...?" The movie had played half way through before Josh even glanced at Tyler and noticed how petrified to seemed to be.

Josh threw his arms around Tyler and pulled him into his chest. He took the blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around Tyler as he turned down the volume of the movie a little bit.

"You okay ty...?" He asked again rubbing his arm.

"Y..yeah.. I'm fine Josh. "

Josh nodded and held him a little closer. He watched the movie all the way through to the end before he looked down at Tyler again. And this time he was happy with what he saw. Tyler's eyes were closed and his head was nuzzled into Joshs chest. He was breathing softly and just barely snoring with one of his hands gripping Joshs sleeve. Josh couldn't help but smile as he moved as slowly as possible to lay down with Tyler on top of him. He pet tylers hair back quietly as he turned off the TV and turned out the lamp. He picked up his phone and took a selfie of himself and Tyler and set it to his lock screen. Before he fully turned off his phone he changed tylers contact name.

--Someone amazing 💕 --
Yay. Fluff.

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