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Josh took the peice of paper slightly surprised by the sudden statement. He threw on Tyler's sweater and gave a small nod and a wave as he exited the building and headed down for the streets. 7... He had hours and hours till then. In the meantime he may as well go back home and call around, he had to make enough to pay rent this month.

Tyler watched josh leave from his bedroom window wondering if he'd call. Wondering if he was an idiot to even have given out his number to a stranger. He sighed and changed into sweat pants and the sweater josh left on his floor. He put it on and sat in bed tired enough to pass out again.

Hour by hour ticked by, as Tyler slept and josh made his rounds about the town making just enough to cover for the next two weeks. Something about Tyler had him hooked. He couldn't stop thinking about him. Wondering why he looked so gloomy, and why he was so full of despair. He had a nice apartment. He had friends. Why would someone who had such a good life be so bitter?

6 o clock rolled around and Tyler had just woken up for a glass of water. He yawned loudly as he slid his heavy feet along the floor and made his way to the fridge to pour himself a glass. It felt good going down his throat. The chill sensation went through his body and shot him back to reality. He slid down the wall and sat by the fridge withhis head in his hands thinking to himself.

Eventual he'd lost track of time. His phone began buzzing from his room and with wet cheeks and a slightly hoarse voice he picked up as fast as he could.

"Hello?" Tyler asked trying to sound as normal as possible.

Josh's voice was on the other end, calm, almost soothing just hearing him speak.

"Hello...? Its josh. You asked me to call you.. So I'm calling." He said and then paused. "Are you alright? Did I wake you up ? Sorry." He mumbled.

Tyler sighed hearing the uncomfortable rambling coming from the other end of the phone. He sat down on his bed and listened to josh's uncertain fidgiting on the other end of the line.

"I'm fine. No you didn't. I was just..uh..are you busy? I wanted to know If I could meet you somewhere for a few hours maybe. I'll pay you for your time and all. " Tyler mumbled giving up on trying to make his voice sound anything but tired and rough.

"What..." Tyler mumbled at first sounding a little surprised. "Uh I mean- yeah of course. Where do you want me to meet you? I'll he there right away."

Tyler felt a sense of relief and his body relaxed slightly. "Meet me at the cafe we went to last night. Out front. I'm wearing the red sweater still so you should be able to tell its me. " Tyler mumbled and hung up without another word.

Josh got changed into cleaner clothes and rushed by on his way to the cafe. When he got there he looked around but saw no one up or down the streets. Nearly ten minutes passed and he still didn't see Tyler anywhere. Just as he was ready to leave and feeling a little stupid for running all the way Herr, Tyler came from around the corner.

"Hey.. Sorry I'm late. Had to find a clean shirt." He said nonchalant ly.

Josh nodded and stood awkward ly. "So what are we doing...? I dont know if by a few hours you meant.. For sex stuff or...?" He said and tilted his head.

Tyler rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I told you before, I dont do prostitutes." He paused and looked at josh pushing a strand of hair out of his face.

"But how about dinner? I'm paying."

"You can't be serious..."

"I am. Come on, there's a place up the road with the pillars out front."

"That place is way too expensive..."

"Shut it josh, let's go."
Ugh I'm bored AF. Time for gle.

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