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Tyler woke up calm at first, tired, and then annoyed. He looked up at josh with his arm around him over his shoulders. He could feel his warmth, hear his breathing, hear his heart beat even. He shook a bit and crawled out from under his arm, examining his shirtless body and his pygama top that was on the floor for some reason.

"What do I do..." He sighed slowly getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen sitting down at his table dumbfounded.

For a few minutes he didn't make any noise or even move. He just sat at the table wondering if he should wake up 'josh' and make him leave. Or if he should let him sleep. He looked peaceful sleeping in the bed with the sheets a mess and his shirt on the floor. He looked comfortable. But he was gross... Tyler had to keep reminding himself that. He's gross. I can't feel bad for him.

Tyler got up and despite his cruel thoughts he began to cook breakfast. He wasn't the best cook but he could try for the fuck of it. He made toast, eggs, and bacon. When he was done they were only half burnt as he put them on two plates and set them out on the table. He made his way to the bedroom and shook the purple haired male gently.

"Hey...uh..before you have to go, I made breakfast. Get up and come eat before it gets cold. " Tyler mumbled trying to sound a little nicer but he just sounded groggy.

"Mn? Oh..... I'll be right out.." Josh mumbled half asleep and embarrassed.

Josh got up and followed Tyler out, sitting down and slowly eating the food without another word. Tyler ate slowly, and a lot less than josh. Within a good ten minutes josh's plate was empty and Tyler's was half finished.

"Thank you.. It was really good. You're a great cook." Josh smiled with more bags under his eyes and a tired stare.

"Mn..yeah..okay." Tyler mumbled emptying his plate into the garbage can.

"Do you want me to do the dishes? I dont mind." Josh said standing up and bringing his plate to the sink.

Tyler briskly shook his head and leaned back on the counter. Josh stood a few feet away staring blankly at Tyler trying to figure out what he was thinking.

"You can leave if you have somewhere to be. I know whatever time they played for, its up and over. You're clothes are dry and on the dryer in the back room. " Tyler mumbled and josh nodded.

Josh gathered his clothes and changed before he headed for the door. He got his shoes on and set Tyler's sweater on the coat hanger. Tyler stopped him and held out a piece of paper with his number on it.

"Keep the sweater, and call me at 7."
Yay joshler at school. I'm so bored kms.

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