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"Uh...I guess you can. We need to go buy hair dye though. " Josh mumbled and smiled.

"Alright! Sounds fun." Tyler got up and slipped on his shoes.

Josh jumped up and got his shoes on too following Tyler as they exited the building.  They left and headed down the street towards the grocery mart and drug store in the opposite direction of the cafe. As they walked tylwr grabbed Joshs hand and josh squeezed his hand back, swinging them slightly as they walked.

"What colour do you think would look good?" Josh asked.

"Ummmm blue...?" Tyler asked swaying their hands.

"Blues a nice colour. " Josh smiled as they entered the store.

They walked in and Tyler pulled Josh to the hair dye aisle. They walked down it and scanned the coloured hair dyes. Josh leaned down and pointed at the blues.

"What shade?" Josh asked.

"Um...light? Like a baby blue...?" Tyler asked snaching up a light blue hair dye and holding it up to look at it.

Josh stood up and looked at the bottle of dye Tyler had. "I like that shade. It's a nice colour..."

Tyler smiled and nodded as he grabbed some activator and then went to the till to pay. They got the dye and then headed away from the shop and back towards the apartments. They got back to Tyler's apartment and josh took his shirt off as he sat down in the kitchen for Tyler to do his hair.  Tyler got some gloves on and dumped a glob of dye into his hand.  A bit of it dripped down and fell on Joshs crotch. Tyler quietly cussed and wiped it off. Josh just laughed as they made awkward eye contact.

"Do you know what you're doing, ty?"

"No idea, Josh. "

Within a half hour Joshs hair was covered in the blue slimy dye and Tyler had managed to dye his arms and his own cheek as well. The dye was everywhere.

"Awe I love it Tyler.  You did such a great job." Josh smiled looking in the bathroom mirror.

Tyler blushed and smiled hugging his now blue haired friend as they both stared into his bathroom mirror. Tyler closed his eyes as he had his head on Joshs bare chest and josh held him as he waited for the time to be up to wash his hair. 

About ten more minutes passed and josh shook Tyler a little to get him to let go. They washed Joshs hair and then blow dried it. When they were finished they took a selfie together of Josh sticking his tongue out and Tyler still leaned against  his chest laughing.

They spent the night mostly talking about their upbringings,  things they enjoyed,  music they liked, what kind of futures they wanted,  and so on. And in the end of it all tyler was pushing josh into bed and flopping down beside him smiling quietly as he ran his hand through Joshs hair.

"Goodnight Josh. .."

Josh pressed his lips to Tyler's forehead and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Goodnight beautiful. .."

Met By Chance, Stayed By Choice.Where stories live. Discover now