00| Out Smarted

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[A/N: This story does not follow the original game plot, I have made changes to the characters on purpose. This story also includes mentions and scenes of sexual assault. There is swearing, smut, and many discussions of religion to enhance 707's character. So please keep that in mind before you comment :) thanks and enjoy!]


Typing was the only audible sound that filled the apartment.

Trash, wrappers, and papers, were scattered on the floor. The bed hadn't been made in weeks,  the dishes left unwashed for days. A girl sat at her computer amongst the mess, trying her best to hack into a government-sealed hard drive.

She had forgotten how long it'd been. The sun went down hours ago. Her eyes were bloodshot and dark, heavy bags blighted her eyelids as proof that she didn't sleep at all last night.

Y/N was so invested in her entitled revenge, that she'd been neglecting her studies, hobbies, friends, and family.

"This is much more important." She tried to convince herself while struggling to process something as basic as the numbers flashing across the screen. Her brain felt jumbled with all sorts of useless information, yet she refused to fall asleep.

Files downloading.. 35% finished...

Nervously, she leaned back in the chair.

...67% finished...

...78% finished...


Setting her cramping hands in her lap, a smug look attempted to spread across her face. Her tensed shoulders finally relaxed in triumph.



Her eyes widened, and before Y/N could even utter a letter—


Code activated_TraNsfer_FileS_BACK

Screeching filled the girl's ears and she flinched back in panic, ripping away the headphones and stumbling from the desk chair. The computer screen flaunted a disheartening red shade before going absolutely haywire.

"Fuck...fuck fuck fuck.." She whispered to herself in horror, taking shelter behind her couch.

The dark, disorganized room flashed.

Y/N cautiously peaked over the couch, mouth dropping as her fears were confirmed. With hands curling into fists, the girl could only watch in horror. It had taken her months of searching and now that time proved to be futile. All her free time, all that time spent--cleared. All the blood, sweat, and tears she had poured into her work--gone. All the proof, all the information--deleted.

Then, before she could even process what was happening, the screen went blue. She gasped, and seconds later, a small puff of red light exploded from inside her PC, sending her back into a cowardly mess of tears.

Inhaling sharply when it became silent, the frightened hacker removed her hands. Her heart immediately shattered as she watched thick, white smoke curl up the edges of the computer. She stared at the disarray, lifeless, still too choked up to process what happened, not wanting to believe it had. 

Frightened and angry, the shock dissipated and she finally came to her senses.

"NO!" She screamed, slamming her fists against the keyboard. "No, no no nonono..."

Empathy || 707 [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now