03| Plotting

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Jumin Han.

Fucking Jumin Han.

Even though it was more than a year ago, Y/N still clenched her fists at the sound of his name.

She stared at the screen, eyes focused, her hand gripping tightly on the mouse as she scrolled through article after article. 

She was back on his father's Wikipedia page, like the many times before. Hatred pulsed through her veins. Chairman Han ruined her life.

The frustrated girl leaned back in her chair and rubbed her eyes in defeat. Another night dedicated to revenge, with no promising results. Nothing. Y/N needed to find the link that 707 had to the family, and why he was protecting them like his own life depended on it. He had threatened to kill her if she did not stop. Him admitting that, only strived her contempt further. 

She wondered how she had gotten to this point, so lost and desperate. Hanging on to the last bit of hope that she alone could take down the richest, and most powerful business man in Korea.

But he deserved downfall, every last bit of it.

When she was 19, Y/N gained an internship opportunity to work for a successful entrepreneur company. It was meant to enhance her experience in the field for her business major.

But a few weeks into the process, Chairman Han tried to make a move on her in the most sexual, and wrongful ways possible. Y/N was scared to be alone in her office, because whenever he visited her for "business matters", he tried to touch her.

He tormented her so many times, Mr. Chairman controlled her life for the months she was working for him. She remembered the nightmares, panic attacks, crying herself to sleep every night. But the hardest part was that she could not tell anyone. She was too afraid to lose her potential spot in the company. She needed the experience if she wanted to graduate. 

And deep down inside, Y/N knew there was no way she could win. If she even uttered a word about his advances, she would be fired. If she filed a lawsuit, she would be taken down because of the connections Chairman Han had. He had dozens of lawyers on his side. The best ones money could buy, and he had all of it. 

The abuse continued for weeks until the girl finally had enough and flatly rejected him. He pushed things too far when he tried...

Y/N's throat tightened thinking about it. She did not want to. She would rather forget.

Y/N had been violated in so many ways from that man. She was innocent until he took it away from her. He was the reason she had carried so much hatred on her shoulders.

The girl had healed tremendously since then, but she had not completely forgotten. She would not until he was taken down for good. No man deserved to take advantage of his employees like that. Especially people like her... who had everything going for them, who needed the position if they wanted to succeed. She was so young then, so vulnerable. 

The girl still was. It had only been a year and the pain was still fresh even if she didn't want to admit it. 

Tears pricked at Y/N's eyelids. She remembered when she had finally gained the courage to  push back. She threatened to report him, but all it resulted in was her year long unemployment. She was kicked out of the program before she had any knowledge of what was going on. 

Y/N had to scramble to find a new job and major halfway through sophomore year. Because Mr. Han couldn't take no for an answer. He made sure that she could never get a job under his business, or any associated with him. Which was more than she had imagined. 

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