02| The Call

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Exhausted, Y/N made her way into the house and collapsed on the couch. Today was hectic.

Class had started at 8:00am but she lived an hour away, and that required her to leave at 6:30am. She had spent the whole day focused on getting her homework done, and when it was finally over, the girl had attempted to relive her stress by purchasing clothes she did not need-- with money she did not have. Buyer's remorse was strong today as she glanced at the bags sitting on the kitchen table. 

Y/N stretched out on the old second hand couch, her nose crinkling with disgust. The whole house still smelt like burnt plastic.

She groaned after a moment, rolling off the couch and opening the basement door. It stunk even worse but she walked down with a scowl, remembering the fire chief's words. He said that opening the small window would help, but it hadn't made a difference. She had also sprayed febreze but that did not have a lasting effect. 

Y/N stared at the propped open window, wanting to close it but knowing she should keep it open-- at least for a little longer.

Wanting to get rid of the awful stench as soon as possible, the girl brought down a few candles and lit them cautiously, away from anything flammable. There was not much she could do except wait for the room to eventually air out. She had already scrubbed away all the remnants of her burned furniture. 

Y/N trudged back up the stairs and gathered her recent purchases, carrying them to her room with a frown. She felt like she was in a trance as she set the items aside and opened her laptop. The girl was surprised to find multiple coded messages awaiting her.

She almost wanted to slam it shut, hit it with a hammer and never look at it again. But her eyes scanned the codes, most of them happening to be spam or nothing of importance. Just hackers trying to mess with her like they always did.

But of course, one odd message caught her eye.


Y/N knew exactly what the numbers meant. She clicked the link a few spaces below and opened the seemingly harmless instant messenger.



"He can't be serious." Y/N mumbled, rubbing her face in a dramatic manner--memories of how they 'met' flashing through her mind. More like how he infected her software.. But she was not going to get into that right now.

..... WELCOME, say hello to your 1 group member.

...pr070 is typing...

>What is this Seven? I thought you deleted this chat room.

...707 is typing...

>I restarted it to talk to you, of course.

...pr070 is typing...

>Why would you need to talk to me?

...707 is typing...

>Because I missed you ^_^

Silence consumed Y/N. What was wrong with this boy? One minute he was demanding she left him and his files alone, and the next he claimed he missed her? Perhaps he liked the challenge, or the plain teasing. What a troll. 

...pr070 is typing...

>what is there to miss?

...707 is typing...

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