12| In My Head

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It is silent.

Hands tucked in pockets, hood up, and heels clicking against the damp pavement, Seven walks quickly down the alleyway.

He feels stiff, hand gripped tightly around a gun. This feels wrong. This doesn't feel real.

Before he can comprehend what's happening, his vision shifts, and he comes face to face with a man.

The man's eyes are wide open in fear. It takes Seven a second to realize the man is afraid of him.

He tries to move forward.

"No.. please... No..." The stranger begs, backing up until he touches the alley wall. "You don't have to do this man..." His voice seems far away, the alarm in his tone faltering into something more sinister. Seven can barely make out his face, but he can see the terror that fills it.

"I told you to stay away..." The words leave his lips in a trance, head pounding as he lifts the pistol in his hands, aiming right between the man's eyes.

This feels too familiar.

"Don't..." The stranger pleads, lifting his hands up defensively. "This isn't who you are..."

The gun in his hand is shaking, but he can't feel any sympathy or guilt. Fear is the last thing on his mind, yet he feels like he's been in this situation before.. something like deja vu.

His finger is on the trigger, but when he presses it, nothing happens.

"Wake up.." The man whispers, lifting his head and revealing nothing but sockets.

"Wake up.." He repeats, but this time, his voice resembles a female.

It soothes him to the core.

"Saeyoung..." The peaceful voice calls, echoing all around him.

His vision focuses again, but the man is leaning against the alley wall. The back of his head is gaping open, brain matter and thick, dark blood painted on the bricks behind him. Blood drips from a single gunshot wound between his eyes.

"You did this." A raspy,  chilling whisper flows from the dead man's lips.

Seven backs away in fear, realizing he did infact, pull the trigger. He drops the weapon in shock, feeling lightheaded as It clatters to the ground.

"No..." He cries, turning away from the stomach wrenching sight. Did he really do this?

"Wake up... Saeyoung.." The goddess like voice summons, sending the boy into a blurred haze. He stumbles as the blood and gore around him disappears. He reaches his hands out as a warming light envelopes him in comforting touch.

He finally recognizes the voice.


Seven lurches forward and gasps, colliding his forehead against Y/N's.

"Ouch!" She complains, smacking him on the shoulder as she rubs her head dramatically. "What's wrong with you?"

He groans in discomfort, swallowing hard and wincing when he touches his head. He can already feel the bruise starting to form. "Im sorry..." Seven apologizes, finally coming to his senses and realizing he's laying on Y/N's couch.

But when he looks over at her, she seems to be fine, except for the frown placed upon her lips. "Are you okay?" She looks concerned.

"Yeah?" He stretches wide, groaning again at the soreness of his muscles. This is what you get for sleeping on the couch. "Why wouldn't I be?"

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