24| Warfare (The Case)

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Before you read, I want to make it clear again that this is fiction and I have no intention on being 100% accurate. Im not a lawyer, and I dont have enough time to do full length research;; so sorry!!! Anyways, this may be boring but im trying to tie everything together. Im very sleepy, so ill be editing later in the week. excuse any mistakes! I also hope you enjoy the new cover ^^

Thanks for reading! - Carlie


Y/N's hands are shaking as she enters the court room.

The sight of so many people crammed into such a small space makes her anxious.

She takes a deep breath, immediately feeling self conscious in her outfit. She's wearing her usual work attire, a pencil skirt and a blouse, but for some reason she can't stop feeling uncomfortable. Her lipstick feels pasty, her bun itchy, and her heels painful.

She exhales. The hearing hasn't even started.

Y/N tries to block out the noise, but there's so many reporters. Too many reporters.

She searches the crowd, trying to scope out her spot next to the other witnesses. She hasn't met any of them yet, and she's incredibly nervous. All of them decided to show, even Lucy.

Y/N holds her breath, about to step further into the court room when a familiar hand grasps her wrist.

"Y/N" Seven whispers.

She turns around, eyes focused on him alone. All the noise, and all the drama disappears when she looks into his eyes.

Seven's grip on her wrists loosens, moving down to take her hand in his. He looks worried, but only slightly. The rest of his stature advocates confidence. A sheepish smile appears on Y/N's  face, he'd seen her stressing again.

His free hand raises up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Even though she is wearing a bun, some of her baby hairs had escaped. Seven finds it adorable, but right now, his girl is supposed to be a woman. "We talked about this." He tilts his head reassuringly. "Everything will be okay"

She nods twice. A nervous tick.

"I've prayed a million times." He sighs, glancing up to the ceiling. "But I'm sure we are going to win. The process will be agonizing, but after today, the worst will have passed." Seven raises Y/N's hand to his lips and kisses it softly. She blushes, thankful to have him by her side. It's so easy to forget your worries when you're with someone you love.

The girl smiles at him, the attention lighting up her once darkened features.

"One step at a time, baby." Seven flashes his best smile. His glasses are gone today, but the brightness in his expression makes up for it.

Y/N takes in the sight of him one last time. The suit sculpts his stature perfectly. It obviously wasn't his first rodeo wearing something so fancy and professional, but if people knew him the way she did, they would realize just how foreign it looks on him.

It definitely isn't his style. But he still flaunts it, causing Y/N to gush every time he looks her way.

He also gelled his hair back. Y/N giggles to herself as he turns his attention to the other side of the room. Seven dressing up for once, is the only pro of having to go to court.

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