10| Try To Heal Me

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"I recognize him." Y/N's voice wavers uncertainly. Her eyes flicker from the computer screen to her phone.

All Seven had done was pull up a picture of V from the last RFA party. But apparently it clicked right away in Y/N's mind.

"Are you sure?" Seven questions, sympathy washing over him as he watches her facial expression turn dark.

"He was my lawyer." She recalls, leaning against the chair that Seven is sitting in.

Y/N looks down at him, her face illuminated by the white light. He can tell she's trying her best to hold in her emotions. Why does she always do that?

"He had blue hair at the time." Her eyes squint in a frustrated manner. "But yeah.. that's definitely him."

"What happened between you two?"

She twirls her (h/c) locks around her finger, seeming nervous to recite the events that happened so long ago. "I was afraid you know. I was dumb. But I could tell he didn't know much either. He didn't seem real.. he didn't seem to know what he was doing."

Her lip quivers. "What I remember, is him telling me to drop the charges. I was still in college, and had a lot of debt building up. He was right, I would be broke if I tired to go forward and hire him. I had no money..." She takes a deep breath. "I was alone.. and he confirmed my doubts. He told me nobody would believe me."

"So I turned to this." She gestures to what's left of her hacking equipment. It still smells like burnt plastic, but Seven decides to not say anything.

There's a moment of silence, and he can feel her eyes staring daggers into the back of his neck. He lifts his head. "What?"

She doesn't have to say anything, but from the look of disappointment in her eyes, he knows exactly what she wants. Seven sighs in defeat. "Okay.. fine. I'll replace your things."

Y/N smiles and crosses her arms, trying to not seem too excited. "Finally!"

Seven rolls his eyes and gets back to work, downloading the same files he'd found hours earlier, onto her measly little laptop. He feels kind of bad for ruining everything.

"Anyways." She clears her throat. "Why is my fake lawyer involved?"

"He was someone I knew." Seven grumbles, not even wanting to call him a friend. He deserves to rot in hell.

She doesn't seem too surprised, but waits for him to continue.

"I'm about to tell you a lot of information. But you deserve to know how we are connected in this... mess."

She leans back slightly, staring at the somewhat charred ceiling. She chuckles slightly at the obvious burn marks that she hasn't had time to fix.

"It's not a mess.. Saeyoung." She sighs, trying her best to seem serious and not crack a smile. They have all the odds stacked against them, but she feels comfort holding his hand. She feels like she can do anything with him at her side.

Seven can't seem to speak either. Whenever she calls him by his given name, he freezes up. Nobody has called him that in years, not even his closest friends know. He sort of forgot what it sounds like. But coming from Y/N, it fills him with a warmth he has never felt before. It makes Seven feel at home.

His heart flutters when their eyes lock once again. He can get lost in them forever.

He's never felt the urge to share his life with someone. But when he looks at her, it's different. He wants to.

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