14| Serenity

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Disclaimer: Okay y'all. Here's the smut you've all been waiting for. Grab your bibles and holy water, i really hope this isnt terrible!



Y/N takes his hand and leads him inside.

After shutting the door, she turns to face him, taking her coat off and setting it on the hook. "Don't hold back."

Seven stares at her for a moment, trying to pry into her soul, and to see if she truly wanted it.

As if reading his mind, she slips off her heels and kicks them to the side. She's waiting, watching his every move. She can see into him but he can't seem to understand her motives.

Something about this feels so right, but in the back of his mind, he knows it's wrong. He's sinning.

"What are you waiting for?" She whispers. "I want you."

With the question dying in his throat, Seven pounces, refusing to ration and hold back on her invitation.

Can they really ignore this tension any longer?

Seven starts with a soft kiss on her lips, testing the waters. He lingers for a moment before kissing her again, but this time its harder, more hungry.

He wants her so badly, if she doesn't pull away right now... he won't be able to stop himself.

But Y/N's lips slowly begin to move in sync with his, and she allows his tongue to part her lips and slip inside her mouth.

"Saeyoung..." She whimpers as he begins to move her towards the bedroom.

In between kisses, the two manage to reach the end of the bed, where their tongues interlock with need. Y/N runs her hands through Seven's crimson curls, pulling him as close as she can, the make out session escalating faster than she ever would have thought.

Seven guides her to sit on his lap. He moans at the contact, hands immediately gripping her ass for support and giving it a tight squeeze. The boy grasps her hips so hard that it causes her to whimper just as loudly. Y/N's body fills back up with the lustful heat he had created earlier. She hates to admit it, but she loves the feeling he gives her when he plays rough.

Seven relishes the touch, letting his hands linger and touch all the places she wouldn't have let him before.

Y/N begins to grind softly, the hardness in his pants igniting something deep within her. It feels amazing, the sexual contact so foreign to the girl. She can't stop, wanting to be controlled and dominated by the mysterious man she's sought after.

"Ahh.." she gasps, setting her hands on his shoulders, pulling away for a chance to breathe.

But her breaths soon become mewls of erotic pleasure as Seven bruises the sensitive spot on her neck. He moves his hands down to her thighs, rubbing softly and sensually.

"I want to see all of you..." He groans against her skin, looking up at her with lust filled eyes.

Y/N is flustered, pressed entirely against his chest as he continues to please her. How can she say no?

His hands snake down and he begins to finger her through her underwear, rubbing in soft, slow circles.

"S-Saeyoung..." she pleads in short quick whimpers, not wanting him to stop grinding against her sweet spot.

Confidence surges through her veins at his sensual touch, exciting the girl and sending waves of passion across her body. With this newfound feeling, she decides to please him back, nibbling roughly on his ear.

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