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'If I could only stop time and live this moment forever'

I hug him and lay my head on his chest . by the time he could hug me back I pull away . He takes out a lady's purse from his pocket and gives it to me.I look at him confused

H "Take this.its has money in it.Its yours now .You'll need it while shopping"

Me "Thanks "

He carries me bridal style and takes me down stairs . he puts me to sit on the dinning table chair .

Lot "Good Morning Infinity"

Me "Good morning Lotto"

She comes into the dinning room holding two plates of pancakes in her hands.She lays one in front of me and the other in front of Harry who is beside me . I take a bite of mine .


Lot "Glad u like it"

Me "where is Lou and Niall"

Lot "Still sleeping"

I giggle

              After eating ,me and Harry leave .Harry carries me and takes me to his car and puts me inside. Then gets in.I sit up and notice a guy in the driver seat .

H "oh this is Paul my bodyguard"

Me "oh "

P "Nice to meet you Infinity"

I look at Harry Confused

H "I needed to tell him .He is my bodyguard"

Me "No problem .Nice to meet you Paul"

We shake hands and Paul starts the car. I sit down silently thinking of a plane to get Jade caught. Harry zaps me out of my thought when he puts his hands around my shoulder bringing me close to him.I rest my head on his shoulder.

Me "Harry show me some pics of the other boys"

H "yeah sure"

He takes out his phone.I see that his Lock screen photo is a pic of Harry and Kylie on their wedding day along with the boys and Anne.My heart cringes at this picture.He swipes his phone and starts entering his password


I smile a bit to see what he just typed.Then the phone gets unlocked. I stare at his wallpaper. It is a picture of me and him when we were little.Then he opens his gallery and shows me all the pictures with him and the boys . Soon the car stops.I turn my head to see a huge building in front of us. I turn back to see Harry tying his hair into a bun.Then he puts on a hat which was in the back seat.He then takes out a fake mustache from a box and sticks it on his face.I burst into roars of laughter

Me "Harry *giggle* what is this ? You look funny"

This the first time I laughed in happiness after we broke up.

H "Changing my identity"

Me "But why?"

H "if the paps see us we'll be all over the news that's why. "

Me "oh yeah! Perfect plane Mr.Styles"

He smirks and puts on a pair of glasses while I wear the sunglasses Harry gave me.Paul turns around to say something but gasps when he sees us

P"God you guys look different. I had a doubt myself"

H"That's good"

P "ok Harry I'll be in the parking lot call me when you guys are done "

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