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Two days later.......

Baby you showed me what living is for
I don't wanna hide anymore
Oh oh

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm fallin' and I am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier
Crazier, crazier. " I complete my recording.

I remove my headsets and walk out of the recording room.

"It was perfect" my voice coach says

I smile and leave the room. I see Mr.Cowell outside with Alice. I walk up to him.

"Hello Mr.Cowell. what brings you here?" I ask

"Hello love. Well I came here to introduce you to your new Manager. This is Alice. From now on she will assist you" I frown

" what about Flex ?"

"She quit the job"

"I don't know"


"Also I got good news for you"

"Oh my gosh what is it?"

"Vogue magazine what's you for a photoshoot"

"Omg really?"

"Yes. The shoot is next month in Los Angeles and some more countries. I'll let you know more about it soon"

"Okay cool. Anything else?"

"That's it"

"Okay Mr.Cowell I have to go now bye. "

"OK love bye"

With full excitement I run out of the building. I see my boyfriend standing by the car . I run into his arms and kiss his lips.

"Guess what" I say


"The Vogue magazine called me for a photoshoot and it is taking place in the US "

"Congrats.Awesome. better send me the pics first"

"Of course I will"

"When is it?"

"Next month"

"Cool. So where shall we go today?"

"London eye"


We get into the car and he starts the engine.


Me "can I have ur jacket babes?"

"Yeah hear"

We walk into one of the capsules. Harry drapes his arms around my shoulder as we watch the view.

"This is river Thames" I tell him

"Look that's London tower" I say

"And that's the bridge"

Harry turns me and places his lips on mine. I pull away and quickly take out my phone. I place my lips back on his and click a photo. At once I post it on IG captioning as 'London eye ft boyfriend kiss' . Once we are back to ground level we get onto the ground.

"Omg Infinity" I hear a voice

I turn around and see a girl approaching me with open arms. I engulf her in an hug

"Omg I'm so happy to see you" she squeaks

I kiss her checks and she does the same. Then I pull away.

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