25) "Will you go out with me?"

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[Art Class]

Dan's POV

"We're all going to fail our exams, with the amount of times we skip our classes." Olivia says, dabbing red paint on my cheek. "Honestly, how're we all going to graduate?"

"For starters, you should actually attend your classes instead of skipping just to cover me in paint!" I exclaim, annoyed at my idiot friends.

Grey, Noelle, and Olivia decided it'd be a good idea to skip their classes just to spend time with me. Jacob isn't here, though. Apparently, the team is having a practise match today and they want Jacob to be their goalie for a while.

Something about wanting him to get better at his position.

God only knows where Mark died.

"Oli, stop painting my face!" I shout. "I'm not a damn canvas!"

"But, your face is too cute for a guy! You look better than most of the girls in our grade!" Olivia whines. "Plus, you've got your hair tied and pinned back, giving us a better look at your face."

"What does looking at my face have to do with anything? And I've got it tied back because I don't want paint getting in my hair. It's a pain to wash it off."

Grey and Noelle proceed to paint on my arms, just because I have my sleeves rolled up.

Honestly, these idiots...

"There is paint all over me now." I say, looking down at my arms. They even got some on my jeans and shirt.

"Well, isn't that a pity?" Noelle says, sarcastically.

"You really hate me, don't you? Just because I didn't get you a cookie."

"So, that's why Noelle's been pissy with you." Grey chuckles. "How funny."

I roll my eyes and continue painting.

"I still don't get what you're painting." Olivia mutters. "What's with all the different colors mixing?"

"The colors represent our eye colors and they're mixing because...well...I couldn't really think of anything else to do with the colors." I explain, half-lying.

I mean, I am painting that, but of course, there's a reason behind it.

I'm mixing our eye colors because it reminds me of how close we all really are, to the point we're practically one person.

So, that's the why I'm mixing the colors.

But, there's no way in hell I'm going to tell these dipshits. They'll tease me to no end if they ever find out.

"Hey, we should probably leave before we're late for our next class." Grey says. "Not to mention, we should let Dan wash off the paint."

"Thank you!" I sigh, in relief. "Hey, if anyone sees Mark then tell him I wanna talk. I haven't seen him at all today and he's not answering his phone either."

"He came a little late and forgot to charge his phone." Olivia replies. "He got his red highlights redone this morning."

"He did them himself?" Noelle asks, in astonishment.

Olivia nods, making Noelle gasp in shock. They engage in a pointless conversation about dying hair, while Grey continues to add his 'finishing touches' to my face.

"There we go! All done!" He exclaims, sounding happy and proud.

"What did you do?" I ask, glaring at him.

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