The Teacher's Sadistic Nephew

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hello and welcome back to the story im sorry that i haven't posted anything yet but here is the next chapter i hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!       (Warning involves rape and lost of it! Also a little bit of blood play)

  (Axel's point of view)

I know what to do, *CLICK*. As I turned around I stared back at the window where Michael and Rose are at. " I will make her mine no matter what! I'll make her moan my name, no scream it!" I said to myself walking down the hallway.

     ( Michael's point of view) 

I pulled out and took off the condom thinking of what was that click noise outside the door. I pick up Rose and sat her on the desk " Are you alright? I didn't go too rough with you?" She shook her head saying " No, you didn't I'm okay,but um" Rose looked at me with a weird look, she looks so cute" what's wrong ?" I replied. " I love you, Michael!" I felt my face getting red, I'm blushing so hard right now! I turned around and put the rest of my clothes on, she did too. She got off the desk and walked towards me, I cupped her face and kissed her passionately on the lips. It was the type of kiss that can lead to sex... again. I guess , Rose was feeling brave licking the bottom of my lip asking  for a bit of tongue. I opened my mouth letting our tongues meet. Losing air we parted, out of breath and tired,  "So, tomorrow?" I questioned with a smirk appearing a cross my face. " Yes, and you didn't say I love you back, Mr. Valentine!"She said with a bit of sass, with her hands on her hip. I roamed my hands down her body where her hands were. I lean closer to her ear and whispered in a low voice, " I love you, more than you can ever imagine." I then walked towards the door making sure the coast was clear, and Rose and I walked out the classroom.

     ( Rose's point of view and at home)

   Laying down on my bed I was texting Kelly wanting to tell her the truth

KellyK: Hey u haven't been answering my calls or texts r u living in a double life or something😕

RoseH: no it just that I don't have enough time to talk anymore trust me I want to talk to you and Anaya but don't have time😔

KellyK: sure u do but I have a question about you and Mr. Valentine I know it's none of my business but r u to doing something wrong. I just don't want you to be in trouble

RoseH: thank u for caring but I rather talk to u about it face to face maybe after school tomorrow or like way in the morning. K

KellyK: sure gn😴


I put my phone on my dresser wondering if this was the right thing to do.

    ( Axel's point of view)

I walked in the school seeing The Pretend Angel, Rose talking to her friend with the short brown hair, Kelly. I waved at Rose with a friendly smile, she gave me a suspicious look and waved slowly. I smiled and walked away. After I put my supplies in my locker I walked in my first class. I sat in the back of the class room, I pulled out my phone looking at the pictures of, Rose, her body looks so edible, her eyes filled with lust, I still remember her moans it rings in my head. Ugh I have to stop I might get hard in class. But I do wonder what does she sound like when screaming my name.

  (Kelly's point of view)

I can't believe what Rose told me, she's dating Mr. Valentine. I have to kept this a secret, but why did she just now tell me. I walked through the hallway thinking until I was stopped by Anaya. " I can't believe you guys!" She said turning me around," What are you talking about!" Anaya seems pissed off, " you nor Rose have helped me find a boyfriend, you have been avoiding and I haven't seen Rose in like forever. Who knows she is probably whoring around!" I stopped and slapped Anaya, " What the fuck is wrong with you I thought we we're all friends! It's not always about you know!" She replied, " Well what happened with Rose why isn't she here!" I snapped back at her ," You know what go and ask her what's going on I have no time you!" I walked away from her and in to my classroom where Rose and that new kids at.

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