Vincent Meeting Him

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Hey guys time for the next chapter I hope it is to your liking ☕☕

( Rose's point of view)

" Sorry, I didn't want our meeting to um..... Start like this." I said wiping the tears. He just held me and chuckled softly, he got up and put on his pants. While doing so, Michael seen a picture a family picture of Vincent and I on his fifth birthday. He picked up the photo and just smiled sadly. " So this is you- our son? He looks more like me." I got off the bed and snaked my arms around his neck, while resting my head on his shoulder. " Yeah, he's a smart one. I can't wait till you meet him, Honey." Michael put down the picture and turned towards me, kissing me lightly while holding my nude body as tightly as he could.

(Michael's point of view)

A couple of hours had passed by, but during that time Rose and I had spent so time talking about Vincent, Kelly, and two twin nurses who she goes shopping with named Kim and Kayla. " Um, Michael I wanted to ask you? How did you know where I lived because Kelly is at work twenty-four seven and my dad is on petrol almost all the time." Rose sat there confused, a little nervous of her question. " Mr. Khalid did, he always came and visited on his off days. He would tell me of how you and Vincent where doing." I said looking deep in her hazeled eyes. Rose had pushed her sleeve up of her new shirt to look at her watch. " Oh my god it's 3:12 I have to pick up Vincent!" Before I could catch her or even say something she was out the door. I sat there and smiled to the thought of my son, Vincent.

( Rose's point of view)

" Mom! Mom, who is it? Is it my favorite author, James Patterson, S.E Hinton? Who?" Vincent said eagerly gripping my black coat with his blue gloves. As we walked towards the door of my house, I looked Vincent straight in the eyes and said, " Its your dad, Vincent." His eyes didn't light up with joy it had just went dull. I opened the door to see the crimson haired man looking at all the family pictures. Vincent had just stared at Michael with emotions rushing over him. " Dad?" Vincent stood there with tears getting ready to burst. I don't know if it is out of love or hate. " Vincent, I'm so happy I can fina-"
" Why weren't you here? You are suppose to be my dad and where were you! Huh! I heard from grandpa that you did horrible things to my mom and that's why you were in jail! Mom, why did you even bring this sadistic man!"

( Michael's point of view)

I stood there applaud, and slightly happy with his hatred for Axel. " Vincent, that isn't the man who did all those things to me." Rose said giving him a soft warm smile. " B-but he is my dad right?" He replied looking confused, Rose said she will tell him when he is older. I walked up to him and hugged him, " My name is Michael. I am your dad, whoever grandpa talked about is not your dad. Also I know it may sound weird ,but I'm happy you said all that to me. If you ever meet him I know you'll have words to say." He just laughed in my arms and apologized. After our first encounter with each other, I had got to know him and vice versa. After a couple of days had passed, I got a job in at a college as a professor, Rose is a author of a famous book, but she won't tell me the title. As our life went by together (four years to be  , I noticed that Vincent was changing. His voice, the way he talked, his attitude, and also his red velvet hair has darkened. Vincent kind of resembles... Axel.

            (Vincent's point of view)

      My so called "dad" has been having a questionable look on his face everytime he sees me. I sat down at the dinner table with my mom bringing me my plate of food. You see my mom never told me what ethics I am, but with a smell of the food she makes daily you can tell we are Hispanic, African American, and Caucasian. She fixed a plate of carne asada for herself and my dad and then sat down. After a few minutes of silence, I asked my mom how was the book going. She smiled and replied saying, " It's going great! I'm almost done with the next chapter!" My dad had put down the fork with a piece of meat still on it. " Well, you seem very happy for a book that I still don't know the name of." My dad had said to my mother happily, but I can hear a pissed off tone at the end. I sat there quietly eating and a little upset of the way of his talking to my mom that way. " Hey, Dad get off her back, she said she will tell you when it's done." I replied looking down at my plate. He just stared at me with curiosity and a bit of pain in his eyes. " Oh, okay , I will like to talk to you after dinner, Vincent."

            (Michael's point of view)
       After Dinner

       Vincent walk in the living room sitting down on the velvet sofa. I got up apologized to Rose, kissing her lips lightly, " Have you noticed anything different about , Vincent?" I questioned her after we broke apart from the arousing kiss. She looked at and nodded with a reply, " Yeah, he's been distant, and not really talking. I even caught him... Uh you know ... hmm, down there to bondage." She looked down with embarrassment and a bit depressed. Maybe she's thinking the same thing to, we never got a test. What if he isn't my son? I walked into the living room, seeing my "son" there scared, maybe he assumes I'm going to yell at him. I took a seat on the couch, " Vincent, you mother and I noticed how you are acting. You haven't been your self lately." I said in a calm voice. He looked up at me with his dark red hair covering half of his face, " Dad, sometimes I look in the mirror and noticed that I don't look like you. Sometimes I think I'm not your kid, I" As he stuttered he pulled out a picture in his pocket. " Look at him, then look at me and tell me the truth I look like him ... Axel!" I looked at the picture, " Where did you get this!" I yelled still staring at the picture. "I look like him, I resemble him! He's my DAD! MY REAL DAD!" He screamed standing up off the couch. " He's not your dad. Vincent, I AM!" I retorted, he then burst in to tears and ran out the door in the rain. Rose ran out the kitchen, put on her coat and started running after him. I then did the same feeling guilty and ashamed.

          (Vincent's point of view)

    I don't want to see them, they are liers. Axel is my dad he is he has to be! Michael probably did all those nasty things to mom, he probably hurt her! I ran to the nearest park where I found a dark wooden bench that's been wet from the rain. I sat there and started to sob as my clothes was getting wet. Just then I felt something warm on my back covering me from the rain. To see a man with a goatee that match the color of his messy hair which was dark red, his blue eyes was filled with curiosity. He sat down next to me and hugged me close, " Hey, what's wrong, kid?" He asked rubbing my back, I told him the story without mentioning any names, he's still a stranger to me. " Vincent! Oh thank god your okay!" I heard my mom, so I jumped off the bench and hugged her till, " Ahh- What are you doing here!" My mom screamed stepping back while still holding me in her arms. " Rose, great to see you I didn't know you had a kid." The man said while walking up. My mom stepped back again, " Axel, just go away and leave me and my family alone!" I turned my head towards her, " Axel! That means he's my real dad!" I got out of her grip and ran to Axel and gave him a hug.

              ( Rose's point of view)

    I stood there too scared to move. What if Axel, is Vincent's real dad and not Michael. Axel stared at me with hungry eyes giving me chills of memories that have been buried for a long time.

Phew thank you for reading

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