The Dirty Teacher

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😭😭😭😭😭this is it for this book I'm proud yet sad, such a bitter Sweet moment, well byeeeeee

(Rose's point of view)

     My eyes fluttered open as the sun shines threw the window. I felt relaxed I pulled the blue silk blanket closer to me. That's until I heard the sound of a door opening, I bolted up off the bed and in a corner. My weary,hazled eyes fix on a man, with red hair.
"Rose, it's me... Michael." He said slightly walking towards me, his beautiful emerald green eyes watering. I felt my body explode with emotions. "Mi-Michael, oh my goodness, I'm sor-" the next thing I knew Michael was embracing me in with a hug. I felt how tight he was holding me. Thank you Michael. Thank you! I felt my tears fall down my face. Michael's hand caress my right cheek as he held me close. He then moved closer to close the gap between our lips. "I missed you much, Michael. I thought you were dead, I thought I wouldn't be able to see you anymore. I- I missed you so much!" I sobbed as our lips parted ways. I noticed Michael shifting putting one arm under my thighs and one on my back, picking me up bridel style. Though, when he did so I felt a bit panicked, by his touch. "Rose, you should get more rest. I didn't me-"
"It's okay. I don't need any rest, bu-but may I get some water." I interrupted gently gripping my throat. Not long after, Michael left out of our room, Vincent ran in and jumped on my bed crawling towards me crying. "Mama! Dad said you are up, so I came to check on you!" He hugged my neck tightly, I pat his head gently, replying, "I'm okay Vincent. There is nothing to worry about." I looked my son in his watery hazled eyes. He laid besides me just as Michael came through the doors, with a cup of cold water. "Michael, how long was I asleep?" I asked as he gave me the cup, " Two days." He says laying down beside Vincent.

(Vincent's point of view)

    As I listened to my parents talk, I hugged my mom tighter. Resting my head on her stomach,"Ow, Mom! Your stomach is like a rock!" Suddenly she froze looking confused,"What?!" She and my dad both got off the bed, and he carried her to the bathroom in the bedroom closing the door. I ran towards the door trying to open it."Mama?! Are you okay? Did I do something?!" I yelled in panic, banging on the door.

(Rose's point of view)

     "I'm okay, don't worry! You didn't do anything it's just that your father and I have to talk in private." I turned from the bathroom door and faced Michael. He leaned closer and placed his hand on my stomach, slightly squeezing it. "Rose, yo-you're pregnant." In denial I quickly moved my hands to Michael's, Oh my god! This can't be happening! "Mi-Michael",I stuttered, feeling tears rolling down my face,"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" He pulled me into his embrace,"It's not your fault! It's not your fault, Rose." He loosened his grip, and looked my in the eyes, as I pierced at his emerald ones. "Michael, what do we do?" He sat and I sat on the white marbled floor, while holding hands. "Well, we have three options.

One, Abortion.
Two, Adoption,
Or three,Keep it."

I glanced at him as he wiped the tears off my face. "I know it's going to be hard being apart from my baby, and I don't want to abort him/her, it's against my religion. Also what if the baby never gets adopted.I think if it's okay with you, I think we should k-"
"Mom, Dad, Kelly's​ here!" Vincent said through the door. Michael puts his head down and replies, "Rose, any decisions you make I'll always agree ,trust me, I gave it all the decisions some thought into it." He got up and pulled me off the floor. As I got up I looked at my self in the mirror,I look like a mess. Michael and I walked out the bathroom still holding hands, as I looked up Kelly's face was bright red. "Oh ummmm, I guess I came at the wrong time!" I faced her, confused at her actions, until Michael put a hand on his forehead replying, "Kelly, we didn't do anything, so calm down." After a few minutes of talking, Michael decided to give us some private time. "Kelly.... I have something to tell you." I said looking down shamefully, she noticed the face I was making and held my hand, while giving me a comfortable smile. "I'm pregnant, it's's Axel's child."

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