Chapter ten-Do over

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POV: Lucy

“Where should we go?” I blinked, holding Natsu's hand as we passed through the streets.

“The cafe, we need to re-do our earlier date. I was preoccupied by Rothe showing up, so this time will be much better.” He leaned over and kissed me on the head, then held up his free hand. I watched as a spark flickered into life, then spread to a blossoming, blazing heart shape. It was big, and a bit chaotic, but he was controlling it.

“Are you sure you're entirely okay?” I asked, now that I had seen the wounds, I was able to notice the roughness of his skin under his shirt, even his casual, joyful walk was unbalanced and halting.

“I'll be fine.” He grinned and pulled me against him. We spent the rest of the walk like that, his arm around my waist, receiving many odd glances. It was common knowledge that Natsu, the infamous mage that he was, stayed far from intimate relationships, and was content with friendship. When we arrived, we took a quaint wooden table outside, the air smelled clean and the sky was clear. Only a few clouds drifted about, and not a single one blocked the radiant sun.

“When you do leave-” I started, but Natsu stopped me by shaking his head,

“Not now, Luce.” He beckoned over a waiter, and ordered pretty much the whole menu. I couldn't help but giggle at the shocked expression of the man taking our order, he scribbled furiously on his notepad, and his face kept getting more and more confused.

“What do you wanna eat?” Natsu finally turned to me and shoved his hands under the table.

“Uh,” I thought for a bit, then placed my order, “Natsu, you alright?”

“Never been better!” below the table, I felt my knees become warm, though his face seemed relaxed.

“Are your hands burning?” I whispered, not wanting to draw attention to us.

“...Yeah.” I could see his mind spinning between honesty and what he though was too much for me to know.

“Calm down.” I scooted my chair closer to his, then touched his forearm. He glanced at me, a weary warning in his eyes. I ran my fingers down to his wrist, feeling the heat, then I took his hand. I winced a bit, closing my eyes, every part of my body screaming to let go, telling me that this was stupid, but I just tightened my grip on him. He had to understand that no matter what I would stay by and help him.

“Lucy stop!” Natsu screamed, yanking his burning hand away from me.

“Shh.” I put an arm around his shoulder, keeping the singed hand out of his sight. “People don't understand.” We looked around, every person had turned this way, watching the odd couple, wondering what had happened.

“Let me see your hand.” He gently removed it from my lap, and I saw his face fall, “Why? How do you love me? Please don't forgive me for hurting you.” he grabbed the ice water that the waiter brought and used it to bathe the burns and forming blisters on my fingertips. I accidentally let a few tears squeeze their way out of my eyes, and knew that it was SO bad that I cried in front of him.

“Natsu, I love you because you're the only one for me.” I flinched again as he rubbed an ice cube down my hand.

“I'm getting Warren.” He said, helping me up for no real reason.

“Why?” Warren was a kindly telepathic mage of Fairy Tail, he could contact people via his mind.

“He's gonna bring Wendy and Romeo back.” He led me to the front counter and placed coins on the table, “I'm sorry for the inconvenience but-”

“No.” I held my scorched hand up in front of his face, “Look at it. Now you owe me.” I curled my uninjured hand on my hip, then let a grin crack my lips. “So we're going to stay here, you can't screw up your second redo date can you?” I tilted my head and patted the skirt of my dress,

“Fine, but the minute we get back I'm getting Wendy.” He sighed and apologized to the overwhelmed cashier man.

We sat back down and our food came, Natsu's came from several different people as one couldn't hold it all. We thanked the waiters, then ate. My hand was a bit painful still, but not nearly as bad as I had thought it would be. Natsu was closer to being himself by the end of our lunch than he had been in quite a while, he was back to telling stories about his time with Igneel(His 'adoptive' father who just happens to be a dragon). He even laughed when I told him about my dreams. They almost always involved him and in one he, Gajeel, and Wendy all turned into dragons. In the dream, I rode Natsu, (It was super fun!) Levy rode Gajeel, and Romeo had ridden Wendy. It was a very cute dream, but Natsu's reaction to it just made my day. He got up, not minding that everyone was watching, put out his arms, crouched down, and asked me to get on. I laughed and did so gently, carefully avoiding the worst of his wounds.

“Tell me where to go.” Natsu smiled hugely, and ran with me on his back over to pay for our meal.

“Uhm... how about we go to your place, see what we can do to get your stuff out?” I suggested, clutching his neck and burying my face in his now jet black hair (it still didn't suit him at all).

“You got it!” He lit his fists afire, and like he had in the Fairy Tail race, he propelled us forward at quite an alarming rate.

“Slow down Natsu! I cant hold ON!” I laughed and cried and nearly fell, I love him.

“Haha, aye.” He slowed just to a normal run, and we were at his home in no time.

“Wow...” I gasped, taking in the rubble, I hadn't expected it to be this bad. Natsu hadn't exaggerated at all, his house was literally gone. All I could see was chipped bits of the foundation, and fragments scattered all over. Evey single thing that he had owned must be gone, even the papers from every job he had ever done(yes, he kept each one).

“Pretty bad isn't it?” He let me down gently then walked to pick up a piece of debris.

“This is horrible.” I couldn't imagine this happening to me, how was he so calm about it?

“I know it sounds mean, but...” He turned around to face me, our eyes locking, “I'm not really that pissed off that this happened.” He smiled a bit grimly, “I'm leaving soon, so there was no better time for it to happen.” Natsu's arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a hug.

“What if I don't want you to go?” I buried my head in his muscular shoulder.

“Luce, I have to.”

“No you don't!” I clutched his shirt and held him tighter to me, “You always have a choice!”

“This is the decision I made, trust me it's for the best.” I felt his hands loosen on my back as he pulled away, “I love you, Lucy, and I'd never do anything unless it was best for you.” He smiled, then knelt to pick up a piece of stone from his home. “Happy and I built it...” He chucked the shard at a nearby tree, it made a large dent.

“There's not really much we can do with this place anymore.” He admitted,

“C'mon, you and Happy can stay at my place for a while.” I offered, “And... I have something to show you.” I cracked a grin at the pleasantly puzzled expression that set itself on his face. A giggle escaped my lips, and I placed my hand in his. We started off, somehow the sun had already become a blazing orange, and was burning the horizon. It set a brilliant glow to Natsu's face, and gave a light to his eyes... he glanced away from me, eyes narrowing, and allowed a nearly silent curse to slip off his tongue.

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