Chapter three - Uncontrollable

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POV: Natsu

I was sprawled on my bed, with Happy sleeping curled on the floor. I looked at the ceiling and door, I would have to fix them later. Erza was right, I changed for a bit every year, but it had never been like this. In the past it had been that I was depressed, I couldn't use magic well, and I always felt like I was being watched. Now, I couldn't control my magic, I had accidentally burned down the door, and almost caved in the ceiling. However the bruise on my arm was throbbing, the only other time I had bruised with one hit, was when I'd fought Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer.

“Happy?” I saw him stir gently,

“” he muttered, half asleep still,

“Happy!” I shouted, and he bolted up, his wings spreading.


“ I'm Natsu.”

“Aye! My bad.”

“Help me out.” I jumped up from the bed, accidentally burning an old t-shirt of mine on the floor. “Get the remainder of the door, I'll use it for target practice.”

“Target practice?” he echoed

“Yes, now fly it around.” I dragged him outside, taking the wood with us.

Happy clung to it, and flew swiftly around the sky. And no matter how hard I tried, I missed it. My power no longer belonged to me, and several times I almost hit Happy.

“Damn it!” I unintentional shot a blaze of fire that knocked down a tree, I winced, hoping that it didn't cause a domino effect in the forest. “I'll just have to not use my magic for a while.”

Happy descended, dropping the door on the grass.

“Let's go to the guild, maybe they can help?” Happy suggested in his little cutesy voice.

“They can't know! Happy, they would hate me like everyone else did!” I hadn't meant to,but flame had encircled my hands and feet, “I don't ever want to live like that again!”

I marched off, heading towards the guild, hoping that my magic would behave for just a little while. Happy chased after me, flying just behind my shoulders.

The streets were dead quiet, no one said a word, not that there was anyone out to begin with. I could have heard a butterflies wing beat easily, (I always could if I listened hard enough) I started to worry, could something have happened?

* * *

It didn't take long to locate where everyone was, there was a huge commotion just in front of Fairy Tail, in and of itself, not very unusual, but I was almost always a participant for crowds this big. I shoved in between people until I found Lucy and Grey, she was yelling into his ear and leaning on his chest, Grey seemed to barely be able to hear, but I made out her words perfectly.

“Grey! Where do you think Natsu is? I sure hope he isn't here!” that was enough, I had wondered for a while if Lucy was into Grey, and now I had confirmation. I couldn't decipher if I was happy or sad... just angry. I thought that she would tell me when she fell in love, right? But I had to know what was going on, so I pushed to the side, avoiding most of my guild-members, making my way to the front. The sight was appalling. Typically it was guild-members just getting pissed off, or testing their strength against one another, but this was different. It was the Tattooed Woman, fighting Erza. I would have guessed that their power was about equal because of earlier, but I was so far wrong. Erza was breathing heavily, dressed in torn-up fighting robes, with cuts and bruises all over her body. The other woman was still wearing her small, dark, dress, clear-skinned, with a smirk on her face; She stood with her knees lightly bent, and her fists by her head in a fighting pose, weaponless, facing Erza and her double swords.

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