Trouble Is Around

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"Kissed?" Ginny said with a weird expression.
"They looked awkward" Harry said.
"Must of be their first kiss ever!" Fred said.
"She kissed a guy before" Harry said.
"She didn't tell me" Ginny said.
"Well that is a secret" Harry said.
"It was you" Ginny said.
Harry walked away.

"Was it him?" Fred asked.
"I think so" Ginny said.
"We are not betting" Draco said.

The Next Day

"Good morning" Hermione said grabbing books from his shelf.
"Morning" Severus said not looking at her.
They was wearing matching necklaces and pjs. (😂)
"They talked about us" Hermione said.
"They talked about you and I" Severus said.

"What?" Hermione said looking at him.
"It has to be miss granger and Mr Snape" Severus said.
"It is no longer 'we' or 'us'?" Hermione said.
"I'm sorry Miss Granger" Severus said.
"What?" Hermione said.
"The board heard about it and we can't be seeing like that again" Severus said.
"I can make my own—" "But I'm still your professor" Severus said.
Hermione walking to the door.
"And you are not teaching today" Severus said.
She slammed the door.

"What did you say?" Minerva said walking in.
"She is not teaching today" Severus said.
"Is it true?" Minerva asked without thinking.
"Yes it is no one was supposed to see stupid potter" Severus said.
"Oh Severus" Minerva said.
"Leave I'm not in the mood" Severus said.
"What did you really say?" Minerva asked.
"It is no longer we it Miss Granger and Mr Snape" Severus said.
"Oh Severus that is way worse, it is like a breakup" Minerva said.
"Leave me alone!" Severus said

"You okay?" Draco asked seeing her in the library.
"Yes I'm fine" Hermione said.
"No you not" Draco said pushing hair before her hair.
"Leave" Hermione said. She looked up at him than back at her books.
"Just sound like uncle" Draco said.

"Get out!" Hermione said
"We are in a library, I can be here." Draco said
Hermione hit his arm, he just laughed.
"I'm sorry, it just what happened tell me, I will listen" Draco said.
"Noting I pretty sure you already heard it" Hermione said.
"The kiss I know but what happened afterward?" Draco asked.
"Why?" Hermione said.
"I care that why" Draco said.
"I'm not telling you. go ask your uncle" Hermione said walking away.

"What did you do?" Draco asked.
"That is none of your business" Severus said.
"So it did happened?" Draco said.
"Leave" Severus said.
"You two are perfect for each other" Draco said.
"Why do you say that?" Severus said looking up at him than his paperwork for the courts.
"Because she said the same thing to me" Draco said.
"Leave us alone and don't call us 'we' or 'us' " Severus said.
"Why?" Draco said.
"She is my student still" Severus said.
"Oh who said that?" Draco asked.
"The board" Severus said.

Hermione walked in
"Morning" Hermione said to the class.
"You are not teaching today" Severus said.
"That doesn't mean I can't be here" Hermione said.
"Don't get in my way" Severus said.
"Do I always get in your way?" Hermione said.
"You know what I mean" Severus said.

"See you next week" Hermione said as the class walked out.
"What have they being saying now?" Severus asked.
"That you and I are in a relationship" Hermione said stacking papers.
"The whole school or your friends?" Severus said.
"The whole school, and they are not my friends" Hermione said.
"I'm surprised you didn't say that word" Severus said.
"What is the word?" Hermione said.
"You know it" Severus said.
"But I have no idea what you are talking about?  Refresh my memory" Hermione said.
"I'm not losing this" Severus said.

"Oh miss Granger" Minerva said walking in and seeing them working on a potion.
"Professor" Hermione said.
"Just the person I wanted to see" Minerva said.
"Yes professor?" Hermione said picking up the papers off the desk.
"It is about the rumours" Minerva said.
"Oh" Hermione said giving the papers to Severus.
"Miss Granger you no longer can work with me in class" Severus said taking the papers.
"What?!" Hermione said looking at both of them.
"The board heard the rumours and doesn't want it to happen again-" "I honestly think it won't happen again" Hermione said.

"We are saying that" Minerva said.
"I honestly hate it when you guys have meetings without me!" Hermione said.
"Miss Granger I need to ask you to leave" Severus said.
"What? It never was miss granger!" Hermione said.
"Leave" Severus said.
"Sod off" Hermione said walking out.

"Oh Severus" Minerva said.
"You need to leave too" Severus said.
"what are you going to do?" Minerva asked.
"That is none of your business" Severus said.
"You can't keep secrets from everyone" Minerva said.
"We have been keeping secrets for the past three years" Severus said.
"This has been going on that long?" Minerva asked.
"No it hasn't but we do have secrets" Severus said.
"So there is something going on?" Minerva asked.
"Noting is going on between us" Severus said.
"How do I know you are not lying?" Minerva said.
"She has a boyfriend" Severus said.
"Muggle?" Minerva said.
"Yeah which I wasn't supposed to say that" Severus said.

"What did you say now?" Hermione asked as they walked in the library.
"You have a muggle boyfriend" Severus said.
"Oh how fun more rumours" Hermione said.
"At least it takes away from us" Severus said.
"Yes it does" Hermione said.
"Are we going to talk?" Severus said.
"About what?" Hermione said grabbing a book.
"Us? We won't be able to be seen in public" Severus said.
"It was a kiss severus, I don't think people will assume other things" Hermione said.
"No Hermione you don't understand we been working together for three years by ourselves" Severus said.

"Look I understand it is just I hardly doubt these kids will assume things they are too dumb" Hermione said as Harry and Ron walked up.

"Professor and Hermione" Ron said.
"So talk to the board and asked to see if I can still teach" Hermione said.
"They won't change their minds" Severus said
"Than I will just teach under someone else" Hermione said.

"What?" Harry said.
"They not letting me teach because someone opened his mouth" Hermione said.
"It doesn't matter now miss Granger either way it going to be a no" Severus said.
"Mr Snape I said if not under you than someone else" Hermione said.

"Don't be stupid" Severus said.
"Ah you said it" Hermione said.
"I'm not paying you" Severus said.
"But you said it" Hermione said.
"I said it but that wasn't in our bet it was if we said it about them" Severus said.
"No you said it" Hermione said.

"Their are not going to change their mind" Severus said.
"Please Mr Snape" Hermione said.
"You are asking the wrong person" Severus said.
"Shut up and do it please" Hermione said.
"Good evening miss Granger" Severus said.
"I hate you" Hermione said as he walked away.

"I'm sorry Hermione" Harry said.
"It doesn't matter" Hermione said grabbing a book.
"No I should of keep my mouth shut" Harry said.
"Him or I wasn't expecting the kiss to happen" Hermione said.

"Was it your guys first kissed?" Ron asked.
"I'm not going to lie about it but yes it was our first kissed it wasn't our actually first kissed
In the summer him and I did a lot of double dates
Him and his ex girlfriend and me and my boyfriend" Hermione said.

"Kids been telling me that" Ron said.
"He is muggle and I didn't want anyone but him to meet my ex boyfriend now" Hermione said.
"He found out?" Ron asked.
"Yes only because I told him" Hermione said.
"I'm really sorry" Harry said.
"It is okay Harry" Hermione said as Dumbledore walked up.
"Miss Granger my office now" Dumbledore said.
"He looks mad" Harry said.
"I know" Hermione said giving them the books.

1332 words August 25, 2017
1220 words old one

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