Chapter 13

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10, 9, 8, 7, 6.
"Stop!" I cried, squeezing my eyes shut. My head was pounding.
"Shit! Rocky, put the gun down!" Houston growled.
"Don't test me, Storm. I'll kill you." Rocky was serious.
"I dare you to try." Storm replied, still staring at the dropping numbers.
5, 4, 3, 2.
"No!" Houston and I shouted and screamed simultaneously. Houston reached to grab Rocky but was too slow.
The sound echoed through the enclosed space, leaving everyone speechless. I heard Storm suck in a tight breath.
"You bastard!" Houston shouted in Rocky's face, knocking the weapon from his hands.
"Storm...?" I gasped, taking a small step forward.
"I'm fine." His voice sounded tight, I knew he was in pain. He was still sitting in that seat, staring at the wall. His right arm was bleeding from where the bullet had grazed it. I turned my attention towards Houston and Rocky. Houston had slammed Rocky against one wall and was holding him there. The elevator had stopped just before Rocky had shot, the doors were now open, waiting for us to exit.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Houston viciously shouted in Rocky's face, grabbing him by his shirt.
"Houston, back off!" I snapped. Houston took two steps back, away from Rocky.
"Thanks, Je–" Rocky began, but was cut off as I slapped him.
"Shut up. That goes for everyone." I stepped away from him and turned my attention back to Storm's wound.
"Houston, can you handle that?" I asked, pointing towards Storm's arm. Houston nodded and got to work treating Storm's arm.
"Rocky, follow me, please." I emphasized the last word, hoping he would come without trouble. He obeyed and followed me out of the elevator. As we left I shoved a box in between the doors so the elevator wouldn't leave. We walked around a corner and I stopped, letting out a long sigh.
"I'm sorry." Rocky said, his voice monotone. I didn't say anything.
"I'm really sorry." He apologized. I still didn't reply.
"I really am sorry." His voice seemed desperate. I didn't reply.
"Jemma, I am really truly sorry." His voice was so desperate, it cracked as he said my name. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down so we were face to face.
"You idiot..." I whispered.
"Huh? What did you say?" Rocky moved a bit closer.
"You are an idiot." I shouted, startling him.
"I-I know." Rocky admitted.
"You just shot the man that used to be your best frie–" I was cut off by loud footsteps coming from the opposite direction of the elevator.
"Who's there?! Come out!" Rocky pulled away from me and reached for his revolver. He had grabbed it off the floor as we had left the elevator.
"Rocky, that you?" A voice called from behind a pile of boxes.
"Graham?!" Rocky lowered his gun as a tall guy comes out from his hiding place. He had short, black hair.
"Reynard, my old pal! How's it going? How's the decommissioning treating you? What about this monster situation, huh?" The newcomer started asking a ton of questions.
"Don't use that name. I can't stand it." Rocky rolled his eyes at his friend's use of his real name. I cleared my throat, getting their attention.
"Oh, Graham this is Jemma. Jemma, this is Graham, my good friend and the leader of the survival group I told you about." Rocky introduced us.
"Hey there. You're good ol' Rocky's girlfriend, huh?" Graham towered over me, and I glared daggers up at him.
"Yes, yes I am." I said, rolling my eyes.
"You picked a gorgeous and thorny rose here, Rocky. I always knew you'd want a girl with some attitude." Graham chuckled.
"We're actually going to join you, but we need a moment alone." Rocky said. Graham nodded and walked through a set of doors, likely the one he came from.
"Come on Jemma, let's ditch those two and stay alive here." Rocky said, looking at my hopefully.
"Rocky, this won't work. This can't work. I'm sorry. I can't stay here." I tore my eyes away from his and stared at my suddenly interesting basic, white sneakers.
"We need to stay here!" Rocky said.
"No, you need to stay here. I have to go Rocky." I felt hot tears welling in my eyes.
"No, you'll be fine with me. I'll protect you!" Rocky insisted.
"You can't even control yourself. How do you plan on keeping us both safe, when you can't even keep yourself from being a threat?!" I snapped.
"Fine. Go die for all I care. Don't come crawling back to me when those two are dead on the floor and you're all alone." Rocky snapped, turning briskly and going through the door after Graham. I turned and went back to the elevator, I pressed a button that I had always pressed when I was upset, floor 25. Houston and Storm stared at me.
"Where's Rocky?" Storm asked after a moment.
"He's staying with that group. I knew we were never meant to be." I whispered the last part to myself. I had been holding back my tears, but I finally snapped and let them fall freely. I felt them slowly rolling down my cheeks. The boys didn't say anything, just looked at each other. Houston stood and sat back down on my right, wrapping his left arm around my shoulders and wiping my tears away with a tissue in his right hand. My legs were pulled close to my chest.
"I'm sorry Jemma, I really am." Storm murmured.
"Shut up." I sobbed. The two of them stayed silent. When we reach floor 25 we left the elevator and the boys followed me as I lead them down multiple hallways.
"I'm sorry, Rocky." I whispered to myself as I raised my hand to knock on a door that I knew all too well.

Note: This chapter took me forever to write. I just took forever and at first it was going to be super short but now it's super long, yay!

Note 2: I went through and edited this, changing mistakes and rewriting a bit. It's a bit better now. Still don't think this chapter is very good.

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