Chapter Three

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Song for this chapter is:

The Man - Aloe Blacc


Brooke's POV

I felt warm sunlight on my face, causing my eyes to peel open. The moment I opened my eyes I was greeted by Justin's face, sleeping peacefully.  

I sighed and tried to back away from him, or as far as I could possibly get in his grip. Justin let out a groan and pulled me back into his chest, snuggling into me.  Get away from me.

"Justin." I whispered poking his chest softly.  I wanted to leave his arms as soon as possible.

He groaned again, slowly opening an eye. When his brown orbs met mine, he smiled.  I frowned in return.

"Good morning kitten." He kissed my lips quickly and unwrapped his arms from me.  I widened my eyes in surprise and quickly wiped my hand over my lips.  

"Get dressed, we're going out." He ordered standing up from the bed and stretching.

"Where?" I asked, swinging my legs to the side.  Maybe I would have an opportunity to run away.

"To eat," He simply replied getting his clothes out for the day.

"What am I supposed to wear?" I frowned, and he smirked.

"I'll pick some out for you." He abruptly left the room, and came back with a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and his varsity jacket that said Bieber on the back.

"Never take that jacket off when we're out." He growled, tossing my 'outfit' at me.

I rolled my eyes and stepped into the bathroom, closing an locking the door.  How was he able to wear a jacket with his last name on it?  Justin Bieber was a well known name in the world of criminals.

"Oh, and kitten, you can take a shower while you're in there." He offered, before I heard his feet pad away.

A shower sounded quite relaxing so I stripped down and hopped in, feeling the warm water hit my back.

"Brooke?" Justin called through the door.

Not this again.

"What?" I snapped. I needed a moment to myself, at least to pretend I was okay.  Hearing Justin's voice every second of the day did not help this whatsoever.  

"Talk to me, baby girl." He called, resting his head against the door.

"I'm in the shower, and I'm washing my hair." I mumbled, squirting the coconut shampoo into my palm.

"Be out in ten minutes." He called in a demanding tone.

"Okay," I rolled my eyes back.

I washed the shampoo out and put in some conditioner, I don't know what kind it was but it looked expensive.

I hopped out of the shower and dried my self off. I put on Justin's boxers and my bra from yesterday. I looked at the jeans he gave me and although they were boys, they looked small.

I pulled them on and they fit perfectly. I shrugged on his varsity jacket which was large on me, but comfortable.

"Darling! Times up!" Justin yelled knocking on the door.

"I'm coming!"

I walked over to the door and tried to open it, but it was jammed.

"Justin!" I called frantically turning the knob harder.

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