Chapter Twenty-Three

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Songs for this chapter are:

Recovery - Justin Bieber

Hold On, We're Going Home - Drake


Brooke's POV

My breathing got heavier, and I started shaking in Justin's arms.

They were in the house.

"Baby, calm down. They could just be saying that to scare us." Justin cooed, bouncing his knee up and down.

"No! They- they know about the chandelier, they, they're here Justin." I sobbed. He sighed, and pulled me back towards him. His plump lips settled right below my ear as he whispered comforting words.

"It's okay. We're safe kitten, I promise."  I trusted his words, but my body didn't listen to my mind.  I jumped when we heard a crash from downstairs, and buried my head into Justin's chest. Brandon and Justin shared a look, before Brandon stood up.

"Justin you've got my back?" Justin nodded and tried to ease my body off his lap.

"I'll be riiiight back." He coaxed, carrying out the 'I'.

I just nodded and huddled in the corner, my knees in my chest. Jamie and Kiera were on either side of me. Kiera was crying, while Jamie looked scared - but she didn't cry. Brandon kissed Jamie tenderly and then they both left the closest. I quickly locked the door, and prayed for the best.

Justin's POV

I reluctantly left the closest with Brandon, I really didn't want to leave Brooke in there with out me. However, I can't risk them seeing her.

We slowly traveled down the stairs, my gun was securely strapped to my hip, while Brandon held is out at chest level.

"Come on out!" I yelled into the darkness. Brandon stood on my left, his gun scanning the area. Heels clacked against my hard wood floor, before an outline of a body was showed.

"Bieber! What a pleasure it is." The man's voice was rough, almost as though he hasn't used it in a while.

"Say who you are or I won't hesitate to shoot you." I warned. The man laughed loudly, stepping into the light.

"Always have to threaten people don't you?" He chuckled.

"Shaun." I spat. Shaun was the leader of the East Side.

"Where did we go wrong, Bieber? We could have been the most powerful alliance in history!" He bellowed. My lip raised in a snarl, and Brandon aimed the gun straight at Shaun.  It was true, the East and West were the two main gangs in New York, together, we would be unstoppable. 

"That is until your greedy ass wanted to lead the whole gang!" I growled. Shaun narrowed his eyes at me, baring his teeth.

"We all know I would've been the best leader." He said. "And now I hear you've become a softie with this bitch you call a claim?"

"I'm pretty sure you loved your claim too, so I wouldn't be fucking talking Shaun." I spat. His eyes went dark and his whole body started to shake.

"Do not speak of her!" He barked. I smiled, weak spot here I come.

"Well look at this, who's the softie now?" I smirked. Shaun lunged, but I immediately pulled out my gun, pouting it at his face.

"Who else is in my house Shaun?" I snarled. He gulped, backing away from me.

"It's just me."

"I don't believe you!" I yelled angrily.

"It's the truth!" He screamed. I glared at him, but he wouldn't back out. I sighed, shaking my head.

Claimed ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now