The Last Dance

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Rebekah's POV

I stared at myself in the full length mirror. It has been 6 months since Aaron died and 5 months since Piero proposed. I've never felt happier. I had chosen a simple white dress with red accents on the bodice. White for purity and red our ever growing love. My hair was up in a messy bun with a plain silver headband. Piero and I decided that we didn't need a expensive wedding. I was wearing little make up, only bold red lipstick and mascara. My heart was pounding as I thought about what was happening. I was getting married to Piero......

Suddenly a knock came from the door of my dressing room. 

"It's open!" I called.

Ignazio came in holding a present in his hands.

"Oh! Ignazio! Thank God you're here!" I say before I think.

A look of concern crosses his face and he sets the present down. 

"What's wrong Bekah?" He asked.

I find myself in Ignazio's arms crying. 

"I'm so scared!" I cry out.

He holds me in his arms and kisses my hair.

"Trust me Bekah. If I didn't think you two were perfect you would'nt be here now."

For the last few months me and Ignazio got closer. He's practiclly my brother. I smile at his comment and pull back.

"Thank you." I said.

He nodded and turned around. He opened the present he brought me. It was a little silver bracelt with ruby all over it, a little red rose hanging down from it. 

"Now, no more tears. You are marrying my best friend and if he sees you crying he'll kill me."

I laughed and took his arm as he lead my to the door of my chapel. As the doors opened and I saw Piero waiting for me I couldn't help but smile. For one simple reason did I know this was right. 

My life was finally beginning.

                                                                      The End 

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