Piero? Is That You?

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Piero's POV

I clenched my fists as the police started towards the place where MY Rebekah is. It was a long trip there and the sun began to set as we slowed down and parked. Officer Adam lead me to a place where all of his men were. I looked around for Rebekah.

"Where is she?" I asked, my heart pounding.

I missed her laugh and smile. Adam sighed and scratched his head.

"About that. We know where she is, but we don't know how to get her out..."


He quickly put his hand over my mouth. I noticed everyone was very quiet.

"You'd have to see to understand. Come with me, but you cannot make any noise."

I followed him and braced myself for what I was about to see...

Rebekah's POV

I listen carefully to Aces steps. Since I couldn't see he was teaching me how to see with my ears.

"Are you by the cabinet that holds my serum?"

He laughed and clapped his hands.

"Very good! That reminds me..."

I heard the cabinet open. Oh no. It's injection time. Aces caressed my face.

"I know it hurts. But soon you won't have to take it anymore. Once you finish your last dose you will be able to go without it, the shock will have no effect."

I put my mind elsewhere. I immediately thought of Piero. He is out there somewhere. I miss him so much. Why can't he be here? Aces pushed the needle into my arm like always and a screamed erupted from myself. He whispered a quick sorry and kissed me. As always we kissed much longer than needed. Aces pulled away faster than usual.

"How many more doses are left?"

"Just one. You will be given it later than normal so you will experience a lot of pain. I'm sorry Bekah."

I just smiled and prayed. Soon I found myself asleep...

Three hours later...

A red hot flame rippled through me. I screamed.


I heard him run to my and apologize. He tried kissing me, but it didn't work. I could hear him panicking.

"Make it stop! Now!"

I suddenly felt the very last dose course through me. I sighed in relief. Aces started to undo whatever was holding me down to the table.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He picked me up bridal style.

"I'm going to lay you down on my bed."

I felt a soft cushion underneath me. Aces kissed my cheek and left. I felt myself relax. Suddenly the door flew open and someone came running in.

"Rebekah! I found you!" The man said.

He wrapped me up in a hug. I tried, and succeed, to push the man away,

"Who are you?" I asked trying to get as far away as I could.

"It's me. Piero. Don't you recognize me?"

A tear escaped from my face.

"No." I said.

I felt myself start crying. It seemed that I did that a lot since I've been here.

"It's me! Your boyfriend! I-I don't think I changed much. You must remember who I am!" He cried.

I stood up from the small bed and walked to the wall so Piero couldn't see my face.

"Piero, I know who you are."

"Then why won't you come to me? I've missed you so much. Don't you want to see me?"

This made me cry even harder.

"Yes, but I can't!" I cried.

"Why?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"Because I'm blind Piero! Ok? I'm blind!"

I heard him run to me and pull me into the biggest hug known to man. I couldn't see his face, but even I knew that he was holding back tears...

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