This Is 911 What's Your Emergency?

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Rebekah's POV

I laughed as Piero started tickling me.

"Stop it!" I screamed.

He only smiled and continued. After a few minutes he gave in and stopped. I studied his face. He seemed to be thinking about something, almost debating. For the last few days me and him have been really close yet it feels like I'm not even here. Every time he looks into my eyes I can tell he's somewhere else in his mind. What could it be? Il Volo trouble? Something he read in the paper? No, the look almost seemed like he was longing for something... or someone. Was it another girl? He kissed me cheek and looked at the shelf for the millionth time. It was another girl. He probably has a picture of her and he looks at it when I leave him. I pulled away from him and sat on the edge of the bed. I heard Piero move behind me.

"What's wrong Rebekah?" He asked kindly.

I just have to tell him what I think. It shouldn't be that hard right? I turned and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Piero, am I not good enough?"

Piero's POV

"Piero, am I not good enough?" She asked softly.

I was surprised. Can she possibly think that I don't love her?

"Rebekah how could you think that way? Have I not given you everything I earthly can?" I asked, trying to keep my tone down.

"Yes. But what about her?"


"The girl you're always thinking about. I can see the look in your eyes. You're always looking at the shelfs with love. It's almost like I don't matter to you at all..." She said.

Ok now I was furious! She thinks I am with another girl?! How can this be?! I love her with all me heart and I give her all I can!

"What girl?! There is no girl other than you! I love you so dearly and do everything I can to show you! I adore you! I'm madly in love with you and haven't even thought of another girl!" I practically screamed at her.

"Well that doesn't explain about why you always look at the shelf!" She cried back, her voice cracking.

"The only reason I look over there is because your wedding ring is over there and I want it to be perfect!" I yelled without thinking.

Wait. Did I just tell her that? From the frightened look on my sweet Rebekah's face says that I did. Oh no. What will she think of me now...?

Rebekah's POV

My heart stopped. Piero was going to ask me to marry him? He probably won't since I just accused him of being in love with another girl. How could I be so stupid?! I felt tears rise up in my eyes. What will he think of me? He probably hates me for yelling at him! I quickly covered my face and fled from the room, tears streaming from my face like waterfalls. My life is over! Without Piero, what am I? Nothing. I ran straight to my other suite and locked the door. I flung myself into the bed and cried. A soft knock came from the door.

"Rebekah, please let me in." Piero said calmly.

I buried myself under the covers of my bed. He can't see me like this! I heard a key rattle and the door open. Shoot! I forgot he had a key to every door! He walked over to me and started to climb under the blankets too. I felt him grab my waist and pull me close to him. I tried to resist, but he was too strong.

"Please go away Piero." I said weakly as he pulled me into his arms.

"I'm never leaving you. I promised I wouldn't the moment you woke up at the hospital and I'm keeping that promise until I die."

I frowned and tried to turn away.

"Rebekah, what are you think about?" He asked, pain clear in his voice.

"I can't believe I was so stupid. You probably won't propose to me now anyway considering that I was being a total brat to you." I said slowly.

A look of sadness crossed his face and he pulled me closer.

"Rebekah. I still will. I've been waiting too long not to."

I smiled and he sat me down and climbed out of the bed. He took a box out of his pocket and got down on one knee.

"Will you marry me Rebekah?" He asked hopefulness lining his tone.

My heart began to beat one hundred miles an hour.

"Only on one condition."

"Anything my love." He said.

"I want a private wedding and no fancy honeymoon either." I said sternly.

He thought about it.

"Rebekah I'll give you the private wedding, but the honeymoon is different. That is my time to flatter you as my wife and it will and is going to happen."

I sighed. Should have known he was going to be difficult.

"Yes Piero, I will marry you."

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