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Piero's POV

I took one last look in the mirror as I walked out of my dressing room. I laughed. My signature red glasses had a lip stick stain on the lenses from where Bekah had kissed them. Speaking of Bekah, where is my little flower? I pulled on my coat and walked to her dressing room door. As I began to knock I heard a scream erupt from somewhere...


I turned around and ran to the nearest exit I could find. The coldness nipped at my skin as I ran out into the alleyway. I turned the corner and ran on. My lungs were burning and I was sure I could have won the Olympics. I almost tripped as I rounded the corner. My ankle turned. I stopped and looked at it. Oh well. I ran on. Finally I rounded the corner onto that lead to the main road.

My heart stopped beating.

There laying on the ground was Rebekah and another man. Tears escaped my eyes as I ran to her. She was laying on her back, the man underneath her. As I turned her over my breath caught in my throat. Blood... so much blood. I quickly pulled out my phone and called 911.

"Hello. This is 911. How may I help you?"

"There's been a shooting!" I said, my breath coming out ragged.

"Okay. Calm down sir. Where is your location?"

I stood up and looked at the street sign.

"2203 Galisten Ave."

"We'll be right there sir. Please remain calm. Help is on the way."

I hung up. Rebekah was curled up in a ball, pain clear on her face. Suddenly the sound of sirens hit my ears. I looked up. The ambulance was coming nearer and nearer.

"Aaron..." A small voice said.

I quickly grabbed Rebekah's hand.

"It's Piero, my love."

She opened her eyes and reached up at my shirt. Slowly, I helped her up.

"Piero. It's Aaron. He... he shot himself. He was drunk and wasn't thinking clearly! Oh Piero!" She collapsed in my arms.

I pulled her away from my arms.

"Rebekah, is any part of you in pain? Focus."

She looked down at herself.

"I'm fine. But.... but what about Aaron?"

"I've got an ambulance coming now."

She nodded and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Piero, I love you." She said in the one of the most softest voices I've heard.

I kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, Che Bella. That will never change."

The lights over took us and everything went silent.

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