Chapter 6

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"Hello?" I called out as I entered the house. "Is anyone home?"

"We're out back!" Faye called. I smiled at the sound of her voice as I walked through the house and came upon the pool in the backyard. It appeared that the magazine had provided some pretty sweet digs. I had called Faye and invited myself over to spend time with her. If Kevin could get a girl then so could I. I hoped that Faye had felt the same spark I had when we kissed.

"Hey Nick," Beks said from her chair beside the pool. I stopped short. Faye hadn't said anything about her friends joining us.

"Uh...hi Beks. Is Reda here too?" I asked. She chuckled lightly sensing my discomfort.

"She's out with your brother, I think. Would you like a snack?" I looked over at the snacks sitting on the table beside her. "I made them all myself." I heard a splash from behind me and turned to see Faye exiting the pool and wrapping a towel around her middle.

"I hope you don't mind," Faye said nervously. "I asked Beks to join us after you called. It is her house after all."

"I told her that she didn't need to invite me," Beks said obviously displeased. "If I sit out here too long I'm just going to burn. Plus I have an article to write. How about I just leave you two here and go work on some stuff?"

"Okay," I said happily as I watched her rise from her chair and head towards the house.

"No!" Faye burst out halting Beks at the back door. "Stay. Please Beks?"

"Faye!" Beks whined.

"Beks!" Faye pleaded back. [AN: This is how Faye and I fight if I don't want to do something she wants me to. I usually give in pretty quick when she whines.]With a sigh I watched as Beks walked back over to her chair and flopped down before opening a magazine. Dang it. I thought that after that night at the club Faye would have gotten over her nervousness around me. Am I really that scary to be around? I thought I heard Beks mutter something about Faye being a wuss as she turned another page in her magazine. " would you like to do?" Faye asked as she fiddled with her towel.

"Well, what do you do for fun?" I asked with a smile.

"We could watch some TV!"

"Sure." Faye walked over to a TV set on the back deck. The magazine must have really wanted Beks to write for them. Faye turned on the TV and sat down next to me on a lawn chair as the show began. I laughed as my brothers and I appeared on the screen. "You really are a big Disney fan, aren't you?"

"Of course! Nickelodeon too! I watch all the shows as often as possible. Beks and I watched the Hannah Montana series finale with one another over the phone. [AN: Yes. Yes we did.] Oh, I probably shouldn't have brought up your ex. I like Wizards of Waverly Place too! Oh wait, that's your other ex. I'm really putting my foot in my mouth aren't I?"

"No, you're not. You're just nervous." She looked at me doubtfully.

"I just knew this would happen," she said putting her head in her hands. "I can't do anything right. Beks and Reda always call me the Disney superfan, and they're right. Look at me. I'm babbling like an idiot right now. This was a mistake." Before I could say anything she raced into the house and out of sight.

"I just don't understand why she gets so nervous around you," Beks said walking over to me. I sighed as I watched her stretch in her bathing suit. She was a beautiful, successful woman. I watched her for a moment, but the interest just wasn't there.

"I don't suppose you have any idea what I can do to fix this?" I asked. "Is she like this with all guys?"

"All famous guys."

"There's more to me than my career."

"Just be glad you were never in High School Musical. She's obsessed with that franchise."

"Damn Efron." Beks laughed at my jealousy.

"Do you really like her?"

"I don't know. I haven't gotten the chance to get to know her," I answered honestly. Beks' phone beeped causing her to look at it with a frustrated sigh. "What's wrong?"

"Your idiot brother keeps texting me. Can't he take a hint?"

"Maybe he wants to prove you wrong," I said quoting her article. She gave me a dirty look as she texted him back. "Beks, just give him a chance."

"Fine. You want a little advice from me?" I nodded hoping she could help me out with Faye. "Don't let her run away. Don't let her be scared of you."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Make her face your fame. Once she sees all the crap you guys go through she'll come back down to Earth." I nodded and started to plan how to do just that. "Or she might have a complete nervous breakdown," Beks said with a shrug as she walked away. Well that was comforting.

[AN: Is anyone reading this story? I know I say I write for myself, but I could use some positive affirmations here. XD]

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