Chapter 23

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“Okay, Joe will be out of the shower in a few minutes and then go into his walk in closet to change,” I said glancing up the stairs. “Beks will be here in just a few minutes. Now we just have to figure oout how to get her into Joe’s closet.”

“Remind me again why I agreed to this?” Kevin asked from his seat on the living room couch. I frowned at him. He knew that fixing my friends was important to me.

“You might as well face it, Kev,” Nick said. “You picked the crazy one. Ow!” I smiled as Faye hit him in the arm. “What was that for?”

“Don’t call one of my besties crazy,” Faye snapped. Nick just looked at her. “I admit she might be pushing the line here, but she just wants to see Beks and Joe happy. Don’t you want your brother to have what you have?”

“Producer credits on a successful album and an abusive girlfriend? Ow!” I snickered as Faye punched Nick once again. The two of them still bickered, but there was tenderness behind it.

“I have to admit that a small part of me is sad I wasn’t responsible for getting you two back together,” I said wistfully. “But now you can help me with Beks and Joe!” The entire group groaned to my annoyance. Didn’t they see how important this was? “Guys! This is important to me!”

“I just don’t understand why you have this insane need to meddle in your friends’ lives, babe,” Kevin said standing up and wrapping me in his arms. I loved it when he did that. I tucked my face into his neck and breathed in his scent.

“They’re my family,” I said into his skin. “When I thought no one could love me they did, and I refuse to leave them behind.” I could feel Kevin’s grin where his chin rested in my hair.

“Then I’m with you,” Kevin said softly.

“It would be nice to stop having Barney songs echo in my head,” Nick said.

“And if Beks writes another depressing article, they’ll fire her for sure, and I refuse to lose that house they bought her,” Faye said. I pulled away from Kevin to look at her. “Oh please,” Faye groaned, “You know you love that house too.” I broke into giggles at her mock seriousness. Finally I had everyone on my side.

“So how do we get Beks into that closet?” I asked.

“That’s easy,” Faye said. “We make her.”

“What?” I asked. “Are you suggesting we just haul her into the closet and shut the door?” Faye just nodded in agreement. “Actually, that might just work. Nick, Kevin, get into position. I texted Beks so she should be coming through that door any minute.”

“What did you text her to convince her to come here?” Faye asked. “Isn’t she avoiding Joe?”

“I told her that I was showing Joe that photo album of all her grade school pictures,” I said with a grin.

“The book of shame?” Faye asked in mock horror. [AN: It’s actually a wall of shame in my mother’s home. Thankfully all my siblings and step-siblings have to go through the same torture. ;)] “She’s going to kill you.”

“Oh, she won’t be that mad,” I said dismissing Faye’s warning. The front door slammed open and I looked up to see an enraged Beks standing in front of me.

“I’m going to kill you,” Beks said advancing on me. “No, wait, first I’m going to pull out your finger and toenails. Then I’m going to break all of your fingers. Then I’m going to kill you!” I heard the shower shut off upstairs. Now was our only chance.

“Kevin! Nick! Grab her!” I shouted. Beks looked around in confusion as Nick and Kevin picked her up and began to carry her up the stairs.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Beks screamed. I winced knowing Joe must have heard her. I groaned when I saw him peek his head out of his bedroom as we reached the top of the stairs.

“What is going on?” Joe asked in alarm. Before he could say anymore Faye and I barreled into him pushing him into his closet. Nick and Kevin followed depositing Beks on the closet floor. Then we all raced from the room blocking the door from the outside. I heard them pound some on the door before giving up. I thin Beks shouted something about calling the cops, but Faye reassured me that this was Beks we were talking about. She always forgot her cell phone at home. [AN: Very true. Or I bring it and it’s out of battery.]

“So, what do we do now?” I asked watching the door carefully.

“I say we treat ourselves to dinner,” Kevin said pulling me from the room with Nick and Faye following. I smiled and leaned into him. I was one lucky girl.

[AN: Reda is my most forceful friend. She just shoves you until you do what she thinks is best. And it works out most of the time. XD]

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