Chapter 5

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"I'll be right with you!" a voice called out as the bell on the door jingled behind me. Reda had texted me the address asking me to meet her here. I still wasn't quite sure why she wanted me to meet her at this little bakery, but I wasn't going to say no. I hadn't seen her in nearly a week. She had cryptically told me she was busy working on her dreams the last time we talked on the phone. I was more than a little frustrated that I had to put my plans for our first date on hold yet again. I was also nervous to find out her reaction to me accidentally telling my brothers that we were dating. Mainly because we hadn't made anything official yet.

"Kevy!" Reda squealed as she ran out from the back and hugged me tight. God, she smelled so damn good. "I'm so glad you're here!" She pulled free from my arms and gestured around the small shop. "So what do you think?"

"Of what?" I asked looking around at the tidy little bakery.

"You are looking at the new manager of Just Desserts!"

"Just Desserts?"

"That's the name of the bakery. I had an interview and they hired me on the spot! If everything goes well I can make a name for myself and open my own place one day."

"You want to open a bakery?"

"It's my dream. Isn't it just grand?" I smiled down at her. She was so dang cute sometimes. On impulse I grabbed her hand and pulled her in close. Leaning down I kissed her lips hard. When I pulled away she blinked up at me in shock.

"I'm very excited for you. Is there any chance that you might be available tonight so we can finally go out on that date I promised you?"

"That's my other good news," Reda said with mischievous smile. "I'm off work now and don't have to be back for two days. I'm all yours!" Unable to help myself I leaned in and kissed her again. [AN: In real life my friend Reda would not be having any of this PDA.] "Wow. I am so lucky to be going on a date with Kevin Jonas. You're just perfect."

"There's something I need to tell you," I said as the guilt hit again. I had to tell her what I had revealed to my brothers.

"Oh my God! You're married. I just knew it. It was all too good to be true."

"I'm not married. You really don't follow the Jonas Brothers at all do you?" [AN: She really doesn't. She once asked me why everyone keeps listing them as actors when they're singers. I had to explain that they had a TV show, etc.]

"Then you're dating someone?" I nodded my head no. "You're gay? You're dying of cancer? You've decided to become a Satan worshipper? What?" I laughed as I caught her hands in mine. [AN: Reda has been known to assume the worst and lose track of the moment. I can totally see her saying something like this.]

"No. None of that."

"Then why do you look like you're responsible for killing my puppy?"

"You have a puppy?"

"Kevin, focus please."

"Right. I might have...sort of...toldmybrotherswe'reacouple," I blurted out in a rush. She blinked up at me as she processed my words.

"Okay...and that's a bad thing why?"

"Well, we never made anything official. I mean, we haven't even been on our first date yet. I had no right to assume that you would want to be my girlfriend. Plus once the paparazzi finds out you'll be hounded every day—" My words were cut off as she placed her hand over my mouth.

"I'm a big girl Kevin," she said with a smirk. "I can take care of myself. A little press doesn't scare me."

"It's a little more intimidating than you're making it out to be," I said pulling her hand away.

"You're such a worrywart. Just live a little." Reda suddenly squealed shocking my eardrums. "I have got to text the girls and tell them we're official."

"Or we could just keep it private between us for a little bit."

"You get to tell your brothers I get to tell my sisters."

"They aren't your sisters," I protested. Reda sighed sadly while fiddling with her necklace.

"They're the closest thing I have." I reached out concerned by the change in her mood when she suddenly popped out a giggle. "Want a cupcake?" I smiled and nodded as she went to retrieve my treat. That was odd.

[AN: I have made Kevin way too sweet. Somehow it still works...I think?]

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