Chapter 14

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I cannot believe it! She wants me. She likes me. This was what I had worked for all along, and I just leave? My original plan had been to get her to pursue me. Then I would reject her to get back for that article. God, I am a horrible human being. I just can't do that to her. She doesn't deserve a jackass like me. I slammed the front door behind me and propelled myself into the living room. I was surprised to see Kevin sitting on the couch staring mindlessly at the television.

"You came out of you room!" I said happily. "Does this mean you're finally considering giving Reda another chance?"

"No," Kevin said still staring at the TV. "I just felt like watching some TV. You didn't expect me to sit in my room the rest of my life, did you?"

"Kevin, the TV isn't even on." I sat down next to him on the couch. A foul odor swept through the living room. "Do you feel like talking about it?"

"She slept with a married man! And she admitted that she knew he was married. I just can't forgive that. There's no story she can tell me to make me forgive something like that."

"So you're just going to sit around acting miserable for the rest of your life?" Kevin just nodded while crossing his arms. "Good. I could use the company since I'll be doing the same."

"What? Did Beks turn you down?"

"No, I turned her down." Kevin suddenly smacked me on the back of my head. "Ow! Why did you do that?"

"This is all part of that stupid plan of yours, isn't it? You got her to want you and then you just turned her down. I can't believe you would go so far to get revenge. You're an idiot Joe."

"Look, I turned her down because I couldn't get revenge. She told me she knew I would never hurt her on purpose, and this whole time I was working to do just that. I had to end things before I really hurt her. I don't deserve a woman like her." We sat in silence as my words sank in. I tried to blink back the tears at the edge of my eyes. "I think I love her."

"You could tell her the truth. If she loves you then she'll forgive you for what you've done. The Joe who came up with that plan was the old Joe. It's a part of your past. You've moved on. You've grown up."

"So you're saying I just have to ask her to forgive me? Because I'm not that person anymore?" Kevin nodded and even cracked a small smile. I grinned along with him as I reached around and smacked him upside his head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Kevin asked rubbing his head.

"Have you even listened to yourself? You're telling me that I'm not the person I was in the past, but you can't forgive Reda? You're the oldest. Why are you so stupid?"

"Because the youngest sibling is always the smartest," Nick said walking into the room. I frowned at my little brother. Didn't he see I was trying to convince Kevin to go after Reda?

"So that means Frankie is smarter than any of us?" I asked. Nick frowned.

"As much as I hate to admit this Kevin, Joe is right," Nick said. "You have to go talk to Reda. Find out the whole story before you decide you can't forgive her. You can't just give up the woman you love."

"What if I still can't forgive her? What if her past is too hard to overcome?" I watched as Kevin cried. I'd never seen him cry before. Not like this anyway. He was sobbing heavily now. "What if it doesn't work out?"

"You'll never know if you don't try," I said pulling him up from the couch and pushing him to the front door. "Go after her."

"He should probably shower first," Nick said. I sniffed the air and realized that the putrid smell from earlier was coming from Kevin.

"Dude," I said holding my nose as the smell grew stronger. "When was the last time you showered?"

"I don't know," Kevin shrugged. "Last week?"

"Okay, shower then go after her," I said pushing him towards his bathroom. I sat back down on the couch. "He's going to be okay."

"You don't sound very sure about that," Nick said sitting down. I suppose he was right. What if the full story didn't make things any better? If Kevin couldn't forgive Reda then what chance did I have with Beks. "Are you okay bro?"

"Sometimes I wish things were easy like they are between you and Faye," I replied.

"Easy?" Nick scoffed. "She may have calmed down around me, but she's still an uber fan. She tried to take me on a tour of stars' homes yesterday." I laughed while Nick sighed. "She's just so enthusiastic. I'm starting to wonder if she has an off button. Why couldn't I have fallen for someone like Beks? She's so calm and just normal."

"Stay away from Beks," I warned feeling the anger rise up inside of me.

"Remind me again why you're still sitting here and not going after her? Too afraid to take your own advice?" Nick asked. I growled before getting up and walking out of the room.

"Oh Nick?" I called stopping at the front of the hall.

"Yeah Joe?" Nick called back.

"Go within three feet of Beks, and I'll introduce Faye to Zac Efron."

"You play dirty Joe," Nick pouted. I just laughed as I walked to my room. Now I just had to figure out how to use that quality to my advantage. I wasn't going to tell Beks the truth unless I could guarantee she wouldn't hold it against me.

[AN: This chapter is kind I totally got an idea for a Jonas sister story that involves one of my most used couplings. But I have to finish this one first. Between this and Ask Me To Stay I don't want to add a third story to my to do list. Is anyone besides twilightlover123esme reading this anymore? Thanks for the constant comments gal!]

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