Chapter 2

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I've already written a lot of this so enjoy the next few posts!


Okay, so I'm not really much of a Jonas brothers fan. At all. But my best friend moved me out here to LA so I need to soak in every moment I can. I giggled as Faye danced around the room. Faye loved all stars, especially Disney stars. I wandered over to the windows of the conference room we sat in. I looked out over the LA skyline. I had an interview with a small bakery downtown. If I got the job I would be one step closer to having my own bakery. [AN: This is actually my friend Reda's dream.]

"Whatcha thinking about?" Beks asked as she leaned back in her chair. I could tell that she too was getting tired of waiting for her interview subjects.

"Cupcakes," I replied simply.

"There are cupcakes?" an unfamiliar male voice asked. I turned to watch the one I knew as Kevin Jonas scanned the table in front of him. "Man, there aren't any here. I can't believe we missed cupcakes." I couldn't suppress the giggle that fell from my lips. Kevin smiled at me making my stomach flutter unpredictably.

"I had to get my hair and outfit right for this interview," the one I recognized as Joe said.

"This is an interview," Beks responded in annoyance. "And we aren't taking pictures. This is the largest magazine in LA. It would behoove you to show up on time and behave in a respectable manner." That was my Beks. The girl couldn't stand cocky boys no matter how famous they were. She also hated it when anyone was late.

"Behoove me?" Joe asked incredulously. "Who says stuff like that?"

"Beks does," I replied simply. All three boys looked up at me in surprise. "Beks, you can stop daydreaming about torturing him and complete your interview."

"Sorry," Beks said gesturing to the chairs. "If you'll sit we'll begin." The boys sat, but I could feel Kevin's gaze remaining on me.

"If you're the interviewer then who are these other ladies?" Kevin asked.

"Oh, these are my best friends and new roommates, Reda and Faye," Beks said with a smile. All three boys said hello. Beks asked her first question and the interview was soon underway. I pulled out my phone as they talked and began texting Beks as she interviewed them. Multi-tasker that she was she held her phone under the table and rapidly texted me back. Looking at her you would never be able to tell that her attention was divided.


Beks: I cannot believe that idiot Joe. What does that attitude say to an interviewer?

Reda: Not every star is going 2 bow 2 ur whim.

Beks: They should. And spell out your words correctly.

Reda: No. Normal people don't text N full sentences.

Beks: Just for that you pay.

I giggled as she ended our conversation. Suddenly another text message popped up on my phone from an unknown number.


Kevin: Do u think we don't know ur texting each other?

Reda: Who is this?

Kevin: Kevin. Beks sent me ur #.

I looked up in surprise to see Kevin smiling at me. Another little flurry of butterflies raced through my stomach.

Reda: She shouldn't just give out my #.

Kevin: It's rude 2 text during an interview. U need 2 make it up 2 me.

Reda: How would I do that?

Kevin: Cupcakes?

I laughed so hard I interrupted the question Nick had started to answer. Everyone in the room looked at me funny except for Kevin who smiled. The interview resumed, and before I knew it the boys were leaving.

"So you ladies are new to LA?" Joe asked once again full of swagger. I could see Beks bare her teeth as Joe's attitude made its reappearance. Did this boy ever learn? "You should let us take you out."

"No thanks," Beks said before Faye or I could respond.

"Don't like to mix work and play?" Joe asked smugly.

"No, I just don't like you." Kevin and Nick broke out in laughter.

"How about if we extend the invite?" Kevin asked. I opened my mouth to accept when Beks interrupted again.

"Does Joe have to come along?"

"Unfortunately, he's our brother. He tends to follow us where we go. But I promise to keep him from annoying you. Too much." Joe started to protest, but Nick grabbed him by the arm. "I'll let you know where to meet us. I have your number." That wink set off the butterflies in my stomach once again.

As they walked out I heard Nick talking excitedly with Kevin about the night ahead. He said something about the pretty, quiet girl in the corner. What pretty, quiet girl? Beks had an attitude the whole interview. I certainly didn't stay quiet. That only left Faye, but he couldn't be talking about her. Faye never shut up. Then it hit me. Faye hadn't said a word this entire time. I looked over to the corner where she sat.

"I think they broke Faye," I said pointing to our friend in the corner.

"Oh. My. Jonas," Faye said before passing out and falling off her chair.

[AN: In reality if my friend Faye was going to faint she would prolly do it right in front of the person she was meeting.]

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