Chapter 18

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I sat at the conference table looking around the room in awe. I couldn’t believe I was here at Hollywood Records. The only thing that would make this better would be if Nick had come. I sighed heavily.

“Is everything okay, Faye?” Mr. Cavallo asked as he sat down across from me.

“Yeah,” I replied. “I’m fine. I just never thought I would be discovered on the beach.” In deference to the seriousness of the situation I held in my need to squeal. [AN: This would be impossible for the real Faye.]

“You have a unique and beautiful voice,” Mr. Cavallo said. “And absolutely no stage fright considering just how loud you were singing.”

“I tend to get carried away sometimes,” I said with a blush. I always got carried away. I’m surprised that Nick put up with me for as long as he did. He and I were complete opposites. I had hoped that we could finally find something in common when it came to singing. We both loved to perform, but Nick had never bothered to learn that. He just saw a squealing fan girl.

“Well I’m not the only person who was captivated by your voice it seems,” Mr. Cavallo said with a smile. “Here at Hollywood Records we try to pair our new artists with rock solid producers for their debut albums, and someone personally requested to work with you.” He gestured to the door behind me as I heard it click open. “I believe you know one another.”

“Hey Faye,” Nick said. I froze. What was he doing here? Sure, I had originally wanted him here as emotional support but not anymore. Heck, I didn’t even know if we were still dating. Or ever dating. Neither one of us had ever tried to define the relationship.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Cavallo,” I said dismissing Nick. “I can’t work with him. Anyone else please. Just not Nick.”

“He insisted,” Mr. Cavallo said rising and walking to the door. “Nick is a solid producer. This is a great chance for you. I’m sure you can work things out.”

“But Mr. Cavallo,” I whined as the door clicked shut behind him. “Alright Jonas, what the hell do you think you are doing?”

“I think I’m producing your debut album,” Nick said with a smug grin. “Unless you don’t want this chance?”

“Fine,” I snapped. “I want this chance more than anything. I’ve always dreamed of being a singer.”

“You have?” Nick asked. He really had no clue. The bastard hadn’t bothered to get to know me at all. “Do you have any songs?”

“Four notebooks full,” I replied. “Although I suddenly have inspiration to write a new one. It’s about this total loser who didn’t know what he had until he lost it.” Did Nick just growl? Oh, this was going to be fun.

“We need to hit this full force. When do you think you’ll have it ready?”

“Give me an hour,” I said with a smug smile. Nick nodded before walking out of the room leaving me with only a pad of paper. I walked over to one of the acoustic guitars decorating the room and plucked it from its stand. Nick would regret everything he had said.


“Let’s hear it,” Nick said sitting down on the other side of the glass separating the recording studio. He had pulled me from the conference room without a word and dragged me down to the studio. Mr. Cavallo stood next to him as well as a few other members of the record company. Nick’s smug smile told me he thought the audience would frighten me. Nothing frightened me and he was going to learn that real quick. [AN: There are things that frighten Faye, but she’s pretty unshakeable.] I strummed the guitar gently and belted out my song.

[][AN: I’m totally having a Demi Lovato girl crush lately. I linked the video to this chapter as well. Love this song!]

“That was amazing!” Mr. Cavallo said. “Didn’t I tell you?” he asked the other execs. I smiled at his enthusiasm. I looked over at Nick who looked stunned. “I think we have our first track of the album. You and Nick will work closely together for the next few months to record everything. I want to release this as soon as possible. Good luck!” I waited until everyone had left the room before walking over to the glass and eyeing Nick.

“This should be fun,” I said with a devilish glint in my eyes. Nick merely gulped.

[AN: Nick is going to really regret pissing her off.]

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