Part 2

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"Excuse me."

I looked up at the bleach blonde that was far too tan for her own good.

"Can I help you?" I asked as nicely as I could.

She held up her cup of coffee with a snarky raised eyebrow. "When I asked for a skim latte I meant with no foam."

She headed me the cup full coffee and stared at me like I was the dumb one. I smiled a fake sweet smile and as I walked a few feet away to where Jay stood watching, I couldn't help but scowl at the cup that was in my hand. I held the coffee up to him and repeated exactly what the girl had just said to me.

He scowled at the cup just as I had and took it from my hand and dumped out the contents and then went off mumbling to himself about coffee and how rude some people were. Three minutes later I was back in front of the girl and handing her a coffee exactly how she wanted it. With that she stuck her nose in the air and strutted out of the front door like she owned the place.

I looked back at Jay and sighed loudly. "And that is why I hate our job."

Around 7 we started to clean up shop. Since this place wasn't conveniently placed on a main street not many people came in after 6:30. I mopped up behind the counter as Jay put chairs up onto tables that were in the small sitting area in the front corner of the store. He was done long before I was and soon sat watching me clean.

"So when are we going to jam?"

I stopped mopping and looked up at him slightly shocked. "W-what?"

He looked at me seriously. "I've been over to your apartment, what, a billion times since we met and the first day I was there I noticed a bass sitting out on a stand over by that stack of books on the floor. But I've never heard you play and you never talk about it either."

I stayed quiet, averting my eyes to the floor as I continued to mop.

"If you don't talk about it..." Jay smirked as he spoke. "It means that you know your good."

I laughed, looking over at him to see him smiling as well and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him.

"So are you any good?"

I chuckled again and shook my head. "Well, I was told I was a total natural by the infamous Mikey Way."

He grinned excitedly, which was new to me because he was normally so stoic and serious. "We're totally jamming this weekend."

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