Part 17

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"So Lenny..." Jay slid onto the seat across from me in the booth by the kitchenette. "I'm thinking you should do a little singing tonight."

I groaned, never really liking the sound of my voice even though my band mates told me otherwise. "And what does that entail?"

He smiled. "I want you to sing The Sky is the Limit by D.R.U.G.S."

I thought about it and soon a smile formed on my face as well. "I love that song."

His eyes widened with excitement. "I know, that's why I suggested it."

I sighed, giving in quickly. "Yeah, I'll do it."

"Great!" He stood and headed to the back lounge where I knew Brian and Adam were waiting for the verdict.


"She said I'm so sorry,

You're going through all of this.

You're going to be fine, there's plenty of time,

She said with the flick of her wrist..."

I looked out into the mass of people as they jumped and yelled along to the lyrics I sang. I think this was the first time that I had sung all tour and I had to say I really liked doing it even if I didn't think my voice was amazing. I picked at my bass as the second chorus came in.

"But there's no telling what tomorrow brings.

If the sky is the limit,

Then I'll build a bridge up to it.

If I make it back I still want more..."

I looked to my left to see a group of people standing off to the side of the stage. I could make out Bert and Mikey, but the third person was standing back too far and the lights that were hitting my eyes made it even harder to see. I turned back to the microphone as the final high point of the song started.

"I'm gunna live my life,

And take chances,

With new romances..."

I finished with the chorus and said a quick goodnight to the crowd before I walked for the side stage, grinning as the screams of the crowd echoed after me. I finally could focus on the last person who had been watching us perform and to my surprise it was Frank. He looked up at me with a weird expression on his face that I didn't quite understand and wasn't sure if I wanted to.

I quickly found my way outside the venue and pulled a cigarette out from my pack and lit it up. It was a ritual I had after every show. I leaned back against the cool brick of the building and let the silence of the night take hold of me; I could still hear the ringing in my ears from the speakers.

"That was amazing."

I jumped. Why was everyone out to scare me all the time? Frank smiled down at me and pulled out his own cigarette.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't know you could sing that well," He glanced at me.

I kicked the ground nervously. "Yeah, I never really thought about singing until a year ago."

"You sounded really good," He spoke quietly.

I blushed and whispered to myself. "Thanks, Frankie."


I glanced up at him quickly. "What? Am I not allowed to call you that anymore?"

His eyes went wide as he talked with his hands anxiously. "No! I mean- you can, it's just that I didn't expect you would want things to be so casual."

I sighed, taking another drag of my cigarette. "Frank, its not that I don't want things to be casual." I paused to think about my words. "I just don't want to get in too deep."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "So what your saying is that you don't want to get close to me because you don't want to start liking me again?"

I gulped and turned my eyes toward the ground. "It's not like I ever stopped."

"W-what?" He choked on his words.

I turned to look back up at him. If I had learned one thing in the last few years it was to be proud of the person I had become and to speak my mind without hesitation. "Frank, how could I ever stop liking you? You're just so... I don't even know how to explain it."

He looked away, a blush on his cheeks. We didn't say anything else the whole time we stood there finishing our cigarettes. The silence wasn't weird or awkward, it was just... hopeful?

I wanted to say something else, but I think I had already said enough. I was doing what I just said I didn't want to do. I had gotten myself in too deep already.

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